Chapter Thirty: I mean, you're so beautiful and you make me...

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Chapter Thirty: I mean, you're so beautiful and you make me...

Finn's POV

"Here's another can of Heineken for you on your 21st birthday!"

John threw a can of beer to me as I caught it. I popped open the beer and drank it slowly as I checked my phone once again. A couple of happy birthday messages, but nothing from Jessamine greeting me. We texted, but our text was the usual conversation we have every day, and the last message she sent was an "okay" two hours ago. Did she forget about my birthday? That could have hurt but I wasn't really expecting anything, except a greeting.

"I'm old." I gave a chuckle as I gulped in more beer.

John suddenly slapped my back as he also drank a can of beer. "I'm twice your age lad, drink up and enjoy your day."

"Give me another one."

John threw another can of beer to me as the both of us continued drinking and drinking.

Feeling a little bit tipsy, I crushed the cans one by one and threw them away on the trash. Pulling out my phone, I ignored what Jessamine's last text was for, which was "okay", as I typed in, "I love you." And pressed send.

"So anything from your girl?" John was still sober despite drinking a lot. This guy is strong for sure.

It was annoying how I repeatedly checked my phone to see her message, but she wouldn't reply that fast. "Nothing, but man even if she forgets my birthday I wish I can see her today."

"Why aren't you seeing her then?" John leaned forward from resting his back for so long on the colorful cot.

I returned my phone to my pocket. "She's busy preparing for an exam. I can't really call her randomly. She wants to ace her grades badly. I asked her a while ago to if she can meet up but she said she can't."

John stretched his arms and yawned as if he lacked one day's sleep. "There's no such thing as being busy. A girl, no matter how busy she is, will find a time for a guy she loves."

It was selfish of me to want to have Jessamine's time even if she has plenty of workload at the university, but what John had said was right.

Instantly, my phone vibrated, and it was a text from Jessamine.

Jessamine: Haha. I know.

What did I just text her again? Oh yeah I love her. Does me? She forgot my birthday.

Well Finn, birthday greeting is not a measurement for how much she loves you.

But she should at least greet you? Or maybe she was busy studying. Crap I wish I were Fundamentals of Microeconomics because she seemed to keep on studying about it.

She should study me more than this stupid Fundamentals of Microeconomics. I'm really jealous.

Or drunk.

Not that drunk...



I replied, "Hug me :( "

Jessamine: No

I was taken aback with Jessamine's message because a no isn't really a reply that I was expecting.

"John! Jessamine replied a no to my request for a hug. On. My. Birthday." I placed emphasis on the last three words because I still couldn't get over how Jessamine would forget to greet me, and now this?

John laughed as if I cracked a joke. "Go home now. You need to rest. Your brain is getting mixed up."

"Fine." Obediently, I stood up and grabbed my backpack. It was good that I was still awake, and conscious of my way home. I wasn't that drunk though, unfortunately.

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