Chapter Forty-Six: I thought Ms. Han has her own boyfriend

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Chapter Forty-Six: I thought Ms. Han has her own boyfriend

Finn's POV

Poor people would always complain that they're poor and could not afford a lot of things to sustain their lives. They wanted more money in order to buy more necessities in life. They envied the lives of rich people who could throw away money buying 10 Cadillacs and 5 mansions.

Rich people would be unhappy with their lives, wishing they could actually give away their money in exchange of happiness or time. Sometimes they work too hard, and the money would never be enough to make them happy. They envied the lives of poor people who are easily contented.

Fat people felt insecure because what is considered beautiful in our society is 36-24-36. Have you ever seen a model that's plus size? They felt insecure because in their point of view, people look down on them since they don't match the norm, or the beauty standards. Also, as what people would say, being fat is associated with different sickness like high blood pressure and obesity. They envied the lives of thinner people because that's what they think beautiful is all about... Whoever made that kind of beauty standard. For me, beauty standards are stupid. Who cares if a person is big?

Thin people on the other hand, would keep on asking how to gain weight. They weren't satisfied with how they look because they felt unhealthy and felt as if they would be blown away by the wind. Moreover, thin people more often than not are victims of cruel sicknesses like anorexia. They envied the lives of fatter people because they think being curvy would of course be better, not being some sort of a bone. Again, beauty standards are stupid.

Introverts loved to curl up on the bed and read fiction books or maybe watch Netflix while eating pizza. Most of the time the "populars" didn't even recognize them. Introverts, despite wanting to be alone, secretly didn't like being alone. They wanted friends just like the rest of the people. They felt that, aside from themselves, and maybe one close friend or so, they had no one else. They're never present in group pictures, nor parties. Sometimes they wanted to feel belonged, wanted to feel as if, they're part of the groups. They envied the extroverts who anywhere, have friends. Extroverts who, could say hi to anyone. Extroverts who, never had problems in socializing, or talking.

Extroverts have tons of friends. Everywhere they go, they would wave their hands and say hi. Familiar faces everywhere. They're tagged in every photo. They're the noisy ones during parties. The guy next door would have 25 likes for posting a photo, while extroverts get 347 likes. Talking and socializing are not problems because they could skillfully manipulate the conversation from the windy weather to your neighbor's ex-best friend's cousin's sister's boyfriend's pet dog. But when the time came that they're to find a lab partner in Science, or when they need to find someone to talk to about a delicate secret or a problem, they have no one. No one at all. Why? They had too many friends... A little bit too many where they get close to no one. They envied the lives of introverts wherein introverts could easily look at their number one bestie every time Mr. Harrison from your science lab asked the class to partner up. In short, extroverts have too many friends, but no friends.

Nice guys are...nice. Well that's how they treated people, courteously and with respect. The last thing they could do is to hurt people. Their agenda is to make sure that everyone likes them, because well... They're nice guys. It doesn't cost anything to be nice and it's pretty rare nowadays. One thing they ask though, is that why don't girls go for them? No matter how nice they treated women, women would fall for the bad guys. Like books and movies, bad guys are always the interesting ones. While nice guys are always plain vanilla, nothing special. Maybe the straight A's and best in leadership award doesn't really help in the resume of being interesting, huh? Nice guys envied the lives of bad boys because they wanted to experience the same thrill that the bad boys had. And not to mention the number of girls that swoon over them.

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