Chapter Fifty-Six: Buddy, I'll leave him alone if I were you.

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Chapter Fifty-Six: Buddy, I'll leave him alone if I were you.

Finn's POV

It was no use. I started to panic but I tried to keep my cool while driving around.

"Jessamine, please call me back. I am worried." I left another voicemail.

She was supposed to meet me already, but why wasn't she answering her phone? I could not reach her any other way.

Wait, isn't one of the guys who get his car fixed a friend of Jessamine? Maybe he knows her whereabouts.

I tried searching for the contact number on my phone, but I realized it was deleted already. After this, if I could get a chance to talk to Jessamine, I would ask for her friends' numbers just in case this happens once again.

"Jessamine please respond..." I stopped my car on the side as I continuously send her multiple voicemails. I tried to concentrate and think about places where she could be, that's when my phone rang.

"Shit. Jessamine?" Without checking my phone out, I immediately answered it, hoping to hear that sweet voice, but to my disappointment, it was someone else.

"Hello, is this Mr. Andersen?"

"Who's this?" I was frustrated with such formalities.

"This is from New York Presbyterian Hospital. Are you associated with Ms. Kayla Montgomery?"

"Yes, why?" Why would a hospital suddenly call me about Kayla? What happened?

"I regret to inform you that she got in to a car accident. She's currently at the ER right now, suffering from blood loss."

"What about the baby?"

"I am sorry but the baby-"

"Never mind." I did not want to hear it anymore, because obviously, it would happen. "I'm on my way."

I wasn't exactly sure what happened, but I did not like it, and I had a bad feeling that Jessamine might be involved. Car accident? How? She doesn't even have a car, nor a license. While I felt sorry for Kayla being in the ER, I grew more and more anxious about Jessamine. Everything started to connect. I hope Jessamine is okay.

I drove to the hospital but still made calls to Jessamine just in case she answers. Every second passed, makes me more and more anxious. I was hoping that Jessamine wasn't involved in any of these. Jessamine, I hope you're just in your dorm, studying about the world economy.

My heart continued to beat fast as I head inside the hospital. The secretary immediately pointed to the ER where Kayla is, and told me to wait on a bench.

"Thanks." I sat down and gave a heavy sigh. The hospital was kind of silent despite the amount of people walking around. Beside me was another guy who was too concentrated looking at the wall, and in front of me was a family who looked very scared.

"Mr. Andersen, right? I'll ask the nurse who is in charge of Kayla to tell you what happened. Please wait." The secretary then went off.

Once again, I called for Jessamine, just in case she answered. I was getting worried about Jessamine, and it sounded selfish considering Kayla had an accident, and I wasn't even that worried.

"Jessamine, please please please answer me. I will go around New York and do whatever it takes to find you if you don't answer, flower girl."

The dude beside me shot me a look which made me feel uneasy, but he immediately returned to focusing on something else when I gave him back the look.

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