Chapter 3. A wild child

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Zeus P.O.V

"Oh, shit" was the first thing that came up in my mind when I heard my father Heracles say that he was planning on taking a three month break with my father Kasadya and my little sister Hera. And all due to the fact that I was kind of in the middle of something important. The moon goddess had asked me just a few hours before the big announcement if I could go on a mission for her and of course the me, who was addicted to thrills agreed to do it without even asking her what the mission was about first. I later found out from her that she actually wanted me to fake marry some man named Ian Landon just because she had promised his father that his son would marry someone with royal blood someday.

I had a feeling that there was more to the story than the moon goddess was letting me know so I denied her request immediately. I told her that if she was so desperate to fulfill Ian Landon's father's or whoever's wish then she could ask Big T to help her because he was great marriage material and he most certainly needed a mate. I still have to laugh when I think about the moon goddesses reaction when she heard me say that and I also can't forget about what she told me after that. She looked in fear at me and then said "Do you want me to get banned from seeing you all Zeus. Theo is like a mixture of Heracles and Kasadya and it's a bad mixture, I tell you. It's not good to mess with Theo Cy Zelus because he is capable of destroying worlds with his wits and combat skills. He's like Heracles and Kasadya 2.0 and it gives me the chills when I think about it. Do you know what people will call him in the future?"

I nodded and then told her "I'm proud to know that people will call my big brother "The ruthless and unwavering alpha king in the future". I had already said what I had to say to the moon goddess and I was just about to leave when I heard her say "If you agree to marry Ian Landon and if you manage to stay with him for just three months then I will let you rule over all my creations in my stead for a month Zeus but this agreement will be only between us of course". That immediately got my attention because who wouldn't want to do whatever they wanted with the moon goddesses precious creations but I was sadly no fool. I chuckled at the moon goddess and then uttered "That's a quite tempting offer moon goddess but I like my freedom a lot more than being tied to some stranger even if it's just for a short while. And I have a feeling that you're hiding something from me so I rather not take the risk of angering my parents with this matter".

It seemed like the moon goddess was disappointed by my answer so she sighed and then said "Okay Zeus, you win I will tell you the truth now". I smiled triumphantly at the moon goddess and then crossed my arms over my chest. The moon goddess shook her head at me and then continued with "I actually cursed the Landon family when Cain Landon accidentally killed one of my fairies, who was sadly at that moment making sure that the animals in the forest had enough food like grass to eat. A deer that was trapped suddenly caught Nora's, my fairy's eyes and she was trying to free him when an arrow suddenly pierced through her heart. Cain Landon who was hunting nearby had clearly mistaken her as the deer itself and he was shocked when he realized that he had killed one of my sacred creations. I was nearby and saw everything happen. How could he shoot the arrow without checking what or who he was aiming at I asked myself in anger and then told him that his lineage would die out with his only child Ian to punish him. I didn't know at that time that God had bestowed the duty to monitor all the fallen angles upon the Landon family".

"It seems like Cain's forefather was the first high ranking angel who descended to earth with the blessing of God himself to be with his mate. Cain's son Ian is of age now but still doesn't want to take a mate because he knows that this act will be fruitless. The poor boy knows about his family's fate but still does his duty diligently like his forefathers did before him. No one wants to tie their son or daughter to him either because they all know about the curse. It seems that Nora was reborn a few days ago so God has approached me and has asked me to break the curse so the Landon family can carry on with their duty but the curse can only be lifted if someone marries Ian Landon. And seeing how you're almost immortal and have the right to choose your own mate, you're the only one who can take this risk to marry him Zeus". I sighed while thinking about how Theo and Victor were almost immortal too but it's not like I didn't know why the moon goddess had asked me to do this instead of them. I regretted my decision now for asking her to grant my wish to choose my own mate in the future.

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