Chapter 20. Zeus in trouble Part 1

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Zeus's P.O.V

I went to the underworld right after settling things with Keagan. I could sense that someone was trying to breach the barriers to the underworld the moment I arrived at my office. I could also sense that my uncle Orion was already at the scene to handle the situation. I quickly casted a spell to take me to his location and I growled in anger when I heard my uncle Orion say "You're late Zeus, the culprit has already left. It seems like they were expecting us to be waiting for them". I sighed while looking at all the warriors who were now investigating the scene and then asked my uncle "Do you have any idea who could be behind all these barrier breaches, uncle Orion?"

My father's second in command shook his head at me and then replied to me with "I did my utmost best to find out who's behind these useless attacks Zeus but it seems like our enemies are always a step ahead of us. And the underworld's barriers are protected by layers and layers of spells so it's not easy to breach. The only people who could come close to breaching the barriers, would be people with immense powers. And the last time I checked, your parents were the only ones with such immense powers".

I frowned when I heard what my uncle had said and then asked him "Are you telling me that there are things going on behind our backs that we are not aware of, uncle Orion?" My uncle smiled at me and then answered my question with "Don't worry Zeus, things are quiet on earth for the moment. Your brother seems to have a good grip on matters there. We only need to annihilate the people who are trying to make our lives miserable here and everything will be back to normal then".

I was boiling with anger at that moment because it felt like our enemies were taunting us. Our enemies hadn't managed to breach the barriers yet but I, as the underworld's ruler couldn't just sit back and let them do what they wanted. I couldn't wait to make our enemies cry in pain. I chuckled menacingly while looking at my uncle and then said to him "Leave this matter to me uncle Orion, I will make them pay for making a fool out of us". My uncle looked questioningly at me and then asked me "And how exactly are you planning on doing that Zeus?" I gave my uncle a pat on his back and then replied to him with "Oh, you'll see my dear uncle". My uncle shook his head at me and then uttered "I don't care about what method you use to trap these people Zeus but make sure that the underworld doesn't get destroyed by you before your father returns".

I burst out laughing when I heard what my uncle had said and then replied to him with "Oh, don't worry uncle, I will make sure to leave a place for you to sleep at night". I heard my uncle groan while I casted a spell to leave. I tried to figure out who could be responsible for the barrier breaches when I arrived at my office. I was still riled up about the whole incident so I couldn't focus on the issue at hand no matter what I did. I urgently needed to calm myself down. I knew that the only way to do that would be by having some fun. I contemplated about where to go to have some fun and then casted a spell to take me to a mental institution. I changed my appearance and then joined all the crazy people there. I always had a lot of fun while visiting such mental institutions and I was planning on doing the same on that day too. No one except, my Natey Nate knew about my secret and I'd liked to keep it that way.

I saw a group of patients quietly watching a movie in a room while I was roaming the halls of the mental institution. There were a few buffed looking men observing the patients and they yelled at the patients as soon as they made a movement. I decided to take actions against these buffed looking men when I saw that one of the patients had almost peed in his pants in fear. I casted a spell to make mice appear on the shoulders of these buffed looking men. The buffed looking men immediately started screaming like maniacs when the mice started walking all over their bodies. The patients ignored the movie and then turned their chairs around to laugh at the buffed looking men. I burst out laughing when I saw one of the buffed looking men crash into a wall while running away from the mice. I enjoyed myself immensely while watching grown men act like scared little girls but I hadn't had my fill yet so I casted a spell to take me to the nurse's office.

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