Chapter 33. A parent's love Part 1

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Kasadya's P.O.V

Heracles and I knew fully well what Victor had been experiencing. We couldn't deny the fact that we were feeling the effects of our child's pain. We wanted to go to our son's aid but we knew that the matter wouldn't be resolved unless Victor personally called out to us for help. The roots of Victor's pain laid deep inside his soul. We couldn't save our child unless he opened up to us. We knew what our other children's reaction would be if they ever found out what Gisselle had done. So Heracles and I made sure that they couldn't sense that their brother was in trouble. And it seemed like Goliath had done the same with his brothers.

Heracles and I went to Victor's aid the moment we heard him call out to us in grief. Heracles had trouble controlling himself when the scent of Victor's blood hit him with full force. My whole body started throbbing when I sensed Neziah and Keagan's pain. My evil side was urging me to take action against Gisselle. In the back of my mind, I knew that it was too early for me to take revenge. I was going to confront Gisselle but not yet because I had other things to worry about at the moment. Heracles closed his eyes to calm his wolf Vasilios down then helped me take Victor to the underworld.

I motioned Keagan to follow us with Neziah. I could sense that Neziah was exhausted but the little boy still struggled to keep his eyes open. Presumably, because he wanted to make sure that his father was all right. I groaned when Keagan didn't respond to me. I could feel that he was on the brink of losing control. So I put my hand on his shoulder then said to him "We need your help Keagan so get a hold of yourself and follow us to the underworld with Neziah". Keagan nodded at me then quickly picked up Neziah who was currently looking in fear at his disappearing father.

Goliath changed into his cat form when he saw us leave then followed us to the underworld. He changed into his tattoo form the moment we arrived in one of Iblis's hospital rooms. I could sense that he was planning to die with his master. I decided not to say anything to him when I sensed how troubled he was. Heracles laid Victor gently down on a hospital bed then took off our son's suit jacket to make sure that he was comfortable. Iblis came to greet us the moment he sensed us. I wasn't surprised when I saw him pause when his eyes fell on Victor. Victor's complexion had radically changed. It was like he didn't have any blood left in his body. He looked dehydrated and he had lost a lot of weight since this whole ordeal began. This was a result of his unborn child continually punishing him. I couldn't comprehend how our son had managed to endure so much pain.

I could sense that my unborn grandchild was doing everything in his power to make my son's life miserable. And all because he was disappointed with his father's behavior. Iblis controlled his emotions when he saw Neziah staring at him. We could all see that the little boy was trying to read the doctor's emotions. Neziah probably wanted to find out what was wrong with his father by doing so. I decided that it was best to summon Keagan's parents to the underworld. They could take care of Neziah while we focused on healing Victor. I groaned when I heard Iblis ask Heracles "How could this happen, Heracles. Didn't you guys take care of this matter when Vic was still a toddler?"

Heracles lovingly caressed Victor's cheek when he saw him tremble then replied to Iblis with "We did settle this matter Iblis but someone dared to trigger it again". Iblis's eyes widened in shock when he realized what had transpired. He quickly walked up to Victor then started examining him. Iblis looked into Neziah's direction after he was done assessing Victor's condition. I instantly realized what he wanted to say so uttered "Go wait in the hallway with Neziah, Keagan. Your parents will be here any minute now. You can come back inside after you have given our grandchild to them. Neziah needs to rest so it would be best if your parents took care of him while you assisted us here".

Heracles walked towards Keagan and Neziah when he saw that our grandchild wanted to protest. Heracles placed a kiss on Neziah's cheek then said to him while stroking his head "You did a great job protecting your father little warrior. Your job is done here so get some rest. It's now time for your grandfather and me to take care of him. We promise to keep your father and your little brother safe Neziah so close your eyes and sleep". Neziah looked in shock at Heracles when he heard him cast a sleeping spell on him. Neziah reached his hand out to Victor when he couldn't keep his eyes open then yelled "Papa!"

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