Chapter 24. Trial and punishment Part 2

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Kasadya's P.O.V

Heracles and I kept an eye on the boys despite being on a vacation. It was not because we didn't trust the boys but because we wanted to see how they handled certain situations. We knew that Theo, Victor, and Zeus were capable enough to handle anything. Heracles and I had trained them well but having a mate changes one's perception. We had already sensed that the boys were soon going to find their mates and that is why we chose to go on a vacation with Hera. We had never thought that the boys would create a bond with their mates without knowing their likes and dislikes first.

We were very disappointed with the boys when we found out that they had broken our rules. Theo mated with Zane without clearing things with his in-laws first and Victor accepted Neziah as his child without thinking about the consequences. And let's not talk about Zeus. Zeus thought that he was fooling us by choosing to marry Ian Landon but he was wrong. Heracles and I had started observing Ian since he was born. And if Zeus hadn't decided to save him then we would.

We had already realized that he would be the perfect mate for Zeus so we were beyond happy when the moon goddess asked our youngest son to help her save Ian. We decided to let nature take its course when Zeus was so sure that he wanted to marry a dying man. We were proud of the boys when they managed to handle troubling things, like the Blue Moon pack on their own but they were vulnerable now. Things needed to be solved between their mates and them and that is why Herac and I decided to test them.

Heracles and I enjoyed ourselves immensely when we saw the couples fight. Heracles and I had built our bond slowly and nothing could shake us now. It took me time to realize how much I loved Heracles and I didn't want the boys to go through the same things that Herac did. Zane, who was pregnant now still treated his bond with Theo like a chore. It broke my heart when I saw my son doing everything in his power to please his mate.

Heracles and I understood Zane's situation. He had lost his family but he seriously needed to concentrate on his child and Theo before he lost them too. We liked Zane because he was smart and a self-made man but he needed to chill. He had been working constantly since he separated from his family. The only time he managed to relax was, when he went to the mansion to have dinner with the boys. Theo had tried to talk to him several times but Zane ignored his warnings. It was like he was punishing himself while his parents were the ones to blame and not him. We didn't mind that he didn't like us because we knew what he was going through. And we were doing all this for them anyway.

Ian was still struggling with the fact that Zeus had betrayed him. He was still walking around with the idea that my son would abandon him someday. And I pitied him for not understanding how much my son loved him. We devils were very possessive and we only loved once. Ian was lucky to have someone like Zeus who would do anything to keep him safe. I knew that Zeus came off immature and childish sometimes but that was just one of his countless forms. Zeus was dangerous, deadly and cunning. He would let all the creatures and demons of the underworld lose on you if you messed with him.

I was shocked when I found out that he had created a bond with all the high ranking demons in the underworld. He even had the moon goddess under his thumb. Herac and I wished that Ian wouldn't doubt our dear child's feelings because even if Zeus didn't show it, he was still suffering from the strain in their bond. Zeus felt lost because he didn't know what to do to make Ian trust him again. He was the one to blame for this but we still wanted to help our son. Victor and Keagan had the strongest bond out of all the three couples. And we should have been proud of Victor for achieving that but we weren't.

Victor's success was overshadowed because we knew that he was hiding something from us and my chest hurt each time I saw him being gloomy. It was like he was preparing himself to say goodbye to us and I was never going to let that happen. We were furious when we saw him accept Neziah as his son without taking the necessary precautions. He had put the child at risk by accepting him as his child. It seemed like Victor hadn't realized that the child would get anxious every time his emotions got the better of him. Heracles and I needed to solve this matter before we lost Victor and our grandson.

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