Chapter 32. A curveball Part 2

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Victor's P.O.V

I had started losing consciousness. My unborn child was draining all my energy and I couldn't do anything about it. My whole body had started shutting down because he was trying to heal himself. I didn't even have the energy to cast a spell so I said to my loyal companion "Take us somewhere safe Goliath". Goliath growled at Gisselle when he saw that she had managed to break free from my binding spell. He came to stand next to me after that. I leaned against Goliath for support. Neziah hugged me tightly when he saw me struggle. Neziah looked in fear at me when he saw me almost lose my balance. His eyes widened in shock when he realized that I was hurt.

Neziah yelled "No!" in despair then threw his arms around my neck. He pressed his head against my chest while sobbing. Neziah still had his bunny with him. I groaned in pain when I felt it pressing against my chest while he was hugging me tightly. I never wanted my child to see me in such a bad state. I cursed myself for letting things escalate. I kept telling myself that I would have healed by now if I wasn't carrying a child. Goliath immediately took action when he saw Gisselle running towards us. I wasn't afraid of Gisselle because she wasn't my true enemy.

I had created this whole mess by wishing that I was dead so I could save my family. And it was haunting me now. I had changed my mind about dying momentarily but it seemed like my younger self was still struggling with the fact that we could cause our family's demise. I looked in shock around when we suddenly ended up in my old house. The house was more like a hut than a house because we never stayed long in one place. We were the most sought after people so we kept moving to make sure that no one would discover us.

Old painful memories started flooding my mind again and I fell to my knees in pain. Goliath quickly changed into his human form then took Neziah out of my arms to make sure that I didn't hurt him. It seemed like my grandfather had resurrected the last place where my parents and I had lived. I could sense that he was using the hut as a shrine to commemorate my parents. There was a scent of fresh flowers coming from outside the hut indicating that my grandfather had recently visited the hut. "Is this why Gisselle knows where my parents were murdered?" I asked myself while lying down on the floor to make myself comfortable.

Neziah wiggled out of Goliath's arms then ran to me. He laid his head on my chest then said: "I'm sorry Papa, this wouldn't have happened if I fought back". I quickly placed my hand on Neziah's head then replied to him with "This is not your fault Neziah so please calm down". Neziah started crying after that and I placed a kiss on his head to calm him down. I then asked my son "Can you tell me exactly what happened today, Neziah?" Neziah wiped his tears away then uttered "Grandma told me to go lie down in my room so she could cook. I heard the doorbell ring the moment I reached my room".

"I was surprised when I heard Joanna's voice because I could sense that she was dead. Granma never met Joanna before so she couldn't tell that the woman who walked through our door was an impostor. I decided to go find you when I heard the fake Joanna tell grandma that she would put me to bed while grandma finished cooking. I was shocked when the woman suddenly appeared in my room before I could even cast a spell. I realized that she was our kin when she managed to grab my arm without getting hurt. I wanted to scream for help but the woman put her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. Before I knew it, I was brought to the place where you just found me. The woman held my hand firmly so I couldn't escape. The woman kept telling me to stop fighting back. She told me to wait patiently for you because you would come looking for me anyway but I didn't believe her".

"She got tired of me eventually and put a binding spell on me. She then put me in the middle of the field as bait. I thought that it was finally my chance to escape but she then started summoning vile creatures to scare me. I couldn't move from fear papa. You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had been courageous and fought back". I stroked my son's head then said to him "You were very brave Neziah and as I said before, it's not your fault that I got hurt. I'm the one to blame for all this son. I think that it's about time that I faced my problems properly. You're just an innocent child, my beautiful baby boy. So Gisselle shouldn't have involved you in all of this". Neziah looked questioningly at me then asked me "You know the woman who attacked you today, papa?" I nodded at my son then answered his question with "Yes, I do Neziah and so do you. You just haven't met her officially yet. Gisselle is my aunt so you're her grandnephew".

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