Chapter 52. Asa Part 1

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Theo's P.O.V

There was another surprise waiting for us when we returned home from our vacation. My parents had made sure that our houses were complete by the time we returned. The interior designer had finished decorating our homes. And our pantries and fridges were already well-stocked. My parents had even hired maids for us. Everyone was delighted when they heard that we could move in whenever we wanted. Victor and Keagan decided to move into their new residence on the same day. Victor took a day off to concentrate on the move. Zane and I chose to wait. We had other things to settle before moving in together.

We went to the law firm after having breakfast together. Zane had decided to leave things in my care while he was on leave. He requested a meeting with all section chiefs the moment we arrived. Everyone gathered in the building's largest conference room. I could sense that people were nervous. Mr. Zander smiled when he saw me sitting next to Zane. He probably assumed that I had decided to join the firm permanently. Some of the people were surprised to see me at the meeting. People still saw me as an intern. Zane greeted everyone, then started the conference. Everyone gasped when they heard Zane say, "I'll be absent for a month. My husband, Theo Zelus, will manage the law firm while I'm away."

Most of the people didn't know that Zane and I were married. I wasn't surprised when I saw them looking in shock at us. I chuckled when I heard Mr. Edwards ask Zane, "Are you telling me that someone who hasn't even finished his internship yet will be our boss from now on, Zane?" Cy and Viper growled the moment they heard Mr. Edwards mock me. I smirked, then mind linked them to say, "Calm down, boys. There is no use in quarreling with humans." Viper and Cy instantly calmed down. Zane smiled broadly at Mr. Edwards, then answered his question with, "Theo became your boss the day I married him, Jeff. As my other half, Theo will make sure that nothing goes wrong while I'm away."

Mr. Edwards was a divorce and property rights lawyer. He knew what ensued when you married someone without a prenup. I could sense that he was bitter because a newbie like me was going to be in charge of him. Zane and I had decided to leave everything in Zander's care. I was busy, and I didn't need more responsibilities. What we were doing at the moment was just a formality. By using me, Zane wanted to make sure that everyone stayed in line during his absence. He was also going to keep an eye on everyone from home. I couldn't blame Zane for being cautious because I had personally experienced how sly a lawyer could get.

Many people asked Zane why he was taking leave, but my mate didn't share anything with them. He just reassured them that they were in good hands, then concluded the meeting. The news about me as the new president spread like wildfire. It seemed like everyone suddenly had a reason to judge me. I had presumably earned my title by sleeping with the boss. I enjoyed all the gossip. What people thought about me had never bothered me. Zane and I left the law firm after making arrangements with Zander and the others. We were surprised when we found out that Keagan's parents had already shifted Zane's belongings into our new house. Zane was happy with our master bedroom. I smiled when I realized that it was exactly like my parent's bedroom. Zane wasn't feeling well. He went to bed after taking a shower.

I decided to visit my office after thanking Keagan's parents for assisting us. Irena told me that she was going to check on Zane from time to time to make sure that he was alright. I got busy solving the Lucah pack's problems and didn't even realize that it was already late. I had also forgotten about alpha Lucah's punishment. Lois, our prison warden, chuckled when he saw me. "It's nice to see you again, my lord," uttered Lois while smiling at me. He motioned me to follow him, then added, "Alpha Lucah has been hallucinating for a while now, my lord. It seems like it's because of the lack of food and alcohol in his system. He has been playing games like duck, duck, goose all by himself until now."

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