Chapter 5. A troubling start.

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Theo's P.O.V

I had applied to all the well-known law firms that were located in the city of Los Angles. I had already expected all of these law firms to call me in for an interview and not because I had graduated law school with excellent results but because my parents were rich and famous. I actually didn't care about how any of these law firms saw me because I only needed to do my internship at one of these places to reach the goals that I had set for myself. And I had never planned to represent clients in the future anyway. I was truly disappointed when the people who were responsible for interviewing me at these so called law firms didn't take me seriously and treated me like a rich spoiled brat who knew nothing about law. One of the interviewers at a popular law firm even dared to discard my application form and resume while saying that my daddy had probably paid for my good results and diploma. He even went as far to say that they had already decided to accept me if I ever applied to their firm because they didn't want to anger the Zelus family.

I could sense that this man was a supernatural creature so instantly realized that he was ridiculing me because he thought that I was an undeserving omega. I had learned throughout the years while observing people that it was best to let them think what they wanted so I just chuckled while watching this man's dramatic reaction. I then made sure not to forget his name because I was going to pay him back tenfold for mistreating me. Who would want to work with such a vulgar person anyway so I refused their job offer politely and then left the building before I lost control over my powers. I had actually chosen to study business law because I knew that it would come in handy once my father handed his businesses over to me. I was also interested in doing criminal law if I ever had the time or opportunity to do so because it was an fascinating topic. And It would be also nice to know how to judge and punish people the right way once I became the alpha king.

I had truly lost all hope in finding the right place to do my internship and didn't even dare to go to my next interview after my parents and Hera left but I then received an email from my law school saying that someone had started a new law firm in our city. The school had probably sent emails to all graduates so they could try their luck at this new law firm. Information about this certain law firm was also included in this email but I had a feeling that not everyone would like to take the risk of applying to such a new firm. One of the reasons behind this was that the law firm was not stable enough yet, due to the fact that it was still in its starting phase. A newcomer like me could be in a situation like this, burdened with more work than they could handle and not everyone liked to put their best effort for a firm that had no clear future yet. I tried to see if I could find more information on the internet about the "Zander & Co law firm" before applying to it. I was surprised when I found out that this new law firm actually belonged to Zane Magnus who was a very famous attorney in U.S.A.

Zane Magnus was known for his legendary wins against influential people and well-known businessmen. I had even heard that you could approach his law firm in Texas for all kinds of legal advice due to the fact that he had different kinds of lawyers working for him. All these lawyers were in their own right experts in their fields so you could never go wrong. I immediately applied to "Zander & Co law firm" when I saw that it was in close proximity of one of my father's main businesses and the Zelus mansion. It would be easy for me to handle things in my parents absence if I got accepted into this law firm so I truly hoped that they would at least call me in for an interview. I went to bed after applying to the firm and things became hectic the next day so I forgot about the application. I only noticed that I had received a reply from the law firm when I was going through some financial reports regarding our businesses on my phone.

I quickly opened the email and I was surprised when I read that they wanted to see me the next morning. I could see by the formal way that the email was written that many people had applied to this new law firm and probably because of its famous owner. I sighed while thinking about my competition because it truly felt like the chance to work close to home could slip through my fingers if I wasn't careful enough. I had already made sure that Zeus and Victor knew that I had an important interview the next morning and woke up early so I could have breakfast with my brothers before leaving the mansion. I drove to the "Zander & Co law firm" right after breakfast and I smiled when I saw the beautifully designed ten story office building.

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