Chapter 10. Another twist Part 1

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Theo's P.O.V

I had noticed a few alarming things about Zane after the incident with alpha Jaxon happened. The first thing was that he kept intensely looking at me during meetings and our encounters like he was searching for a clue or something. The second thing was that he had become even more difficult to get along with. Zane got easily irritated and that made people think twice before approaching him. I was shocked when Caily told me that Zane had decided to move permanently to Los Angles. He was planning on traveling from the city of Los Angles to Texas on a regular basis to handle his cases.

His main office would still remain in California and it seemed like our boss was already in the process of hiring someone who could manage things in his absence. ''How tiring for our dear Zane" I thought to myself while trying to concentrate on the task that I was given that morning. I had already noticed that Ashton and Caily knew too much about Zane. It seemed like they had a bond with the man and I was surely going to ask them about this if they ever came by the mansion for an initiation. I chuckled when I heard one of my colleagues ask one of my other colleagues "Are you sure that omega Theo Zelus is an alpha, Richard?"

I smiled while thinking that my plan was already working and then tried to ignore Ashton who kept staring at me like he had nothing else to do. I shook my head when I heard Ashton say "It's true that you are well built for an omega Theo but I still can't see why people are spreading nonsense like you are an alpha in disguise". Ashton got irritated when he didn't get a response from me and I growled in anger when he suddenly grabbed my arm to get my attention. Ashton quickly pulled his hand away from me when he heard me say "Get your hand off me rogue and never touch me again, if you want to live to see another day". Ashton looked in shock at me when he felt my power and he tried to move his chair further away from me but I stopped him. I could sense that he was startled so said to him while giving him a pat on his back "Never mess with me again Ashton and make sure to get your pack matters in order before I give my men the order to demolish all the houses that you guys have built on our territory without my father's permission".

Ashton was speechless for once in his life and I was done with my task so got up from my seat. I then walked straight towards Mr. Zander's office to give him the files that he had asked me to put together regarding a case. Caily walked out of Mr. Zander's office just when I was about to open the door and she smiled broadly at me. I could sense that she was happy about something so asked her "Did something good happen to you today Caily?" Caily looked in surprise at me and then replied to me with "Yes Theo but how did you know?" I smiled at Caily and then replied to her with "I just had an intuition, so tell me what made you shine like a star today Caily". Caily quickly hid her blushing face behind the file that she was holding in her hands and then said "Mr. Zane asked me to join him in court today and he said that if everything goes well then he will shift me to the tenth floor. I was afraid to join the big league but he then calmed me down by saying that I will be working exclusively for him and no one else".

I was happy for Caily but I was sure that I was smarter and better than her. I had been working non-stop since I joined the law firm and made sure that all the information that I gathered were accurate while Caily and the others made a lot of mistakes. I would make a better candidate than her to assist Zane but who knew what he was thinking. I had lost the opportunity to learn more from the man himself but I wasn't going to feel bitter about it. I congratulated Caily on her progress and then walked into Mr. Zander's office to hand over the files to him. My eyes fell on Ashton and Caily the moment I walked out of Mr. Zander's office and I groaned inwardly when I saw them looking at me like I was a villain. Ashton looked scared and did his best to avoid having eye contact with me. He had clearly told Caily about the incident that had happened between us and I was sure that she would treat me more like an enemy than a friend from now on. I decided to avoid those two by getting some coffee for myself and took the elevator to go to the tenth floor because they had the best coffee there.

Ruthless love (MxM, arranged marriage, Mpreg, werewolf) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now