Chapter 16. Dear Zeus

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Zeus's P.O.V

I could sense what Thor was going through and if Big T hadn't sent me on a mission, then I would have certainly butchered that bastard Keagan Kealoha. I chuckled menacingly while coming up with ways to kill Keagan and then casted a spell to take me to Ian's mansion. I frowned when I saw that Ian's bed was empty. I growled when I realized that I had missed my chance to scare my so called fiancé. I closed my eyes to sense where Ian was and then uttered "What a hard-working boy" when I found him in his office. I casted a spell to mask my presence and then went to Ian's office.

Ian was busy filing some papers and it looked like one particular paper had caught his eye. Ian had an angry look on his face while reading the paper. I already knew what was written on the paper so knew that Big T would be furious if he ever found out about it. I decided to lighten up the mood by scaring Ian and went to hover above his head like a bee. Ian didn't notice anything and ran his fingers through his thick black hair in frustration. He was clearly tired and troubled but I couldn't let an opportunity like this slip by. I slowly started to drop flaming lava drops on the papers that were scattered on top of Ian's desk. I could hear an amazing sound when the flaming lava drops hit the papers. I chuckled when I saw Ian looking puzzled at the flaming lava drops.

Ian quickly tried to gather all the papers in the hope of protecting them but I then created a small whirlwind to annoy him. Papers started flying everywhere and Ian groaned while running after them. Ian then glanced around the room and yelled "I don't know who you are but you better stop before I lose my temper". "Oh, I would definitely like to see that" I thought to myself when I heard what Ian had said and then casted a spell to make raindrops fall on him. Ian threw the papers that were wet now, on the floor and then casted a spell to create a barrier around him.

Ian's barrier looked unbreakable but I was the son of the grim reaper, aka the ruler of the underworld himself, so nothing was impregnable to me. Ian started casting spells to force his assailant to reveal himself after that and I decided to just sit back and relax on his desk. I then conjured an apple and ate it while watching Ian make a fool of himself. Leloth then appeared on my lap and I stroked his head when I heard him say through our mind link "His spells are powerful master. We would be dead by now if we weren't blessed by our parent's blood".

"You are right Lulu" I said to my mystical cat and then added while jumping off Ian's desk "Let's take it up a notch Leloth". Leloth instantly realized what I meant and nodded in agreement at me. Ian kept casting powerful spells and he changed into his angel form when his efforts didn't show any results. I smiled while looking at my so called fiancé and then uttered "I bet this will make him piss his pants". I casted a spell to make myself look like a creature that would give anyone nightmares for years and then conjured a mirror to admire myself.

I smiled when I saw my decaying flesh and hanging eyeballs and then uttered "Let's see how Ian will react now". I then casted a spell and appeared just in front of Ian while yelling "I have come for you, Ian!" Ian fell on his back in fear and his whole face turned pale. He closed his eyes to pray to God and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I changed back into my original form and then started rolling on the floor while laughing when I heard Ian say "Oh God, please forgive me for falling into this devil's trap".

Leloth felt guilty for scaring Ian so went to sit on his lap to comfort him. Ian smiled while picking him up and then said while nuzzling him "Thank you my furry friend". I was still enjoying Ian's misfortune and didn't realize what he was up to. I looked startled at Ian when he suddenly put his head on my chest. I was just about to push Ian away when I heard him say "Thank you for coming by Zeus". Ian looked questioningly at me when he heard me reply to him with "The only reason why I came by tonight is, because Big T ordered us to observe the Magnus family. You are in charge of them so Big T probably thought that it would be best if you went there with me to represent them".

Ruthless love (MxM, arranged marriage, Mpreg, werewolf) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now