Chapter 21. Zeus in trouble Part 2

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Zeus's P.O.V

I tried to sense where Ian was the moment I picked up, Neziah from Keagan's house. I was surprised when I saw Ian fighting three fallen angels all by himself on a remote island. "What does he think he's doing?" I asked myself when I saw one of the fallen angels pull out a knife to stab him. I didn't want Ian to find out what I was up to so casted a spell to mask Neziah's and my presence before leaving. I put Neziah down the moment we arrived at Ian's location and the little boy looked puzzled at me.

Neziah looked into Ian's direction when he heard one of the fallen angels scream and then asked me "Are we here to watch uncle Ian fight bad guys, uncle Zeus?" I smirked at Neziah and then asked him "Do you really think that we are here to watch him fight, little Nei Nei?" Neziah clutched his bunny close to his chest and then replied to me with "No, I don't think so uncle Zeus. My papa said that you are mischievous so you are definitely up to something". I gasped dramatically when I heard what Neziah had said and then uttered while clutching my chest "Ouch, you certainly pack a punch little Nei Nei".

Neziah giggled and then asked me while grabbing my hand "Did you bring me here because you wanted me to give uncle Ian flowers for you uncle Zeus?" A cold shiver ran down my spine when images of Neziah delivering a huge bouquet of red roses to Ian for me started flooding my mind. "How can you even come up with such things, aren't you just a child?" I, asked Neziah while getting that horrific image out of my head. I burst out laughing when I heard Neziah answer my question with "I have been watching soaps with my grandmother since I was a baby uncle Zeus. I have learned a lot of things from those soaps, you know. You can ask me anything you want. I bet that uncle Ian's heart will melt once he realizes how much you love him".

I quickly put my hand up to stop Neziah from talking and then replied to him with "You are dangerous little Nei Nei. It's true that I brought you here to help me woo your uncle Ian but not like that". Neziah grinned evilly at me while stroking his bunny's head and cuddling him. I groaned while poking his left cheek and then added "But your uncle Ian must not find out that I was the one who brought you here today, okay". Neziah nodded at me and then replied to me with "Understood uncle Zeus". He then looked into Ian's direction who was still fighting the fallen angels and asked me "What will I be getting in return for helping you get your man, uncle Zeus?"

I looked in shock at Neziah when I heard what he had said and the little boy then replied to me while giggling with "I've learned that also from soaps uncle Zeus". I shook my head at Neziah and then said to him "Your grandmother is a bad influence on you little Nei Nei. I'm now truly afraid to find out what more you have learned while watching television with her". Neziah squealed suddenly and then asked me "Do you want to hear what I have learned, uncle Zeus?" I quickly put my hand on Neziah's mouth and then yelled "No and you better focus on the task at hand little Nei Nei!" Neziah nodded at me and then asked me "But how exactly do you want me to help you woo uncle Ian then uncle Zeus?"

I sighed while looking into Ian's direction and then replied to Neziah with "Your uncle Ian will die if he doesn't have a strong bond with someone he likes so I want you to build a sincere bond with him. I'll figure out the rest once I'm sure that he's safe". Neziah smiled broadly at me and then uttered before walking away "Okay uncle Zeus". I quickly broke the masking spell that I had casted on Neziah and then mind linked him to say "I'll teach you how to keep Marshmallow always clean if you succeed today little Nei Nei. Your daddy will then never take him away from you".

Neziah hugged his bunny tightly and then replied to me with "Thank you uncle Zeus and don't worry, I'll help you save your boo". I asked myself if I had made the right decision to bring Neziah along with me when I heard him squeal loudly after uttering those dreadful words. It seemed like Ian had managed to defeat two of the three fallen angels while Neziah and I were engrossed in our conversation. Ian was so busy kicking and punching the remaining fallen angel that he didn't even notice Neziah. I could sense how angry Ian was. I was glad that he couldn't sense me because it seemed like he was going through many emotions at that moment.

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