Chapter 34. A parent's love Part 2

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Kasadya's P.O.V

I had a feeling that things wouldn't end well that day. Especially, when I sensed how angry my other three children were. I decided to send Victor to his room when I noticed that he had fallen asleep. Victor was finally free from his burdens. So I didn't want him to think that what was about to occur was his fault. I motioned Keagan to come closer, then said to him while placing Victor in his arms: "I'm going to cast a spell to send Victor and you to our castle, Keagan. Victor will be more comfortable in his room. You can do us a favor by making sure that Victor doesn't find out what is about to happen here".

Keagan looked puzzled at Zeus, Hera, and Theo but didn't inquire any further. He lovingly ran his fingers through Victor's hair then replied to me with "Understood, father". Keagan was a reliable man. So I knew that he would take good care of our son. A sword darted into my direction the moment Keagan disappeared with Victor. I gasped dramatically then yelled while evading Theo's sword "I can't believe how determined my child is to attack me, Herac!" Heracles caught Theo's sword then said while piercing it through the hospital room's floor "Isn't attacking your father a bit too much, Theo?"

Theo growled loudly then summoned his sacred sword again. I chuckled when I saw him suddenly standing in his true form. Viper was also standing behind him. Viper was bearing his sharp teeth at us, indicating that he wouldn't hesitate to attack us. "I should have warned him not to mess with me when he was still a kitten," I thought to myself while gazing at Viper. Viper had always been obedient so I never had problems with him. Goliath never left Victor's side. I didn't have much experience with him, unfortunately. Leloth was a pesky critter just like his master. I had to show him who his true master was when he was still young. I smirked when I saw Leloth obediently waiting for his master's command.

Heracles growled loudly in anger when our children didn't show any indication of backing down. The furniture in the room started shaking from the force. Iblis ran into the room to see what was going on. He took a step back when he sensed how angry Theo and his siblings were. Iblis slowly withdrew out of the room while saying "I'll leave you guys alone for now. Please, don't destroy my hospital". Heracles sighed after Iblis left then asked Theo "Can't we just talk about this Theo?" Theo shook his head then responded to his father with "No, dad because you two always find a way to dodge our questions. We could have lost Vic because of that today. If we don't take action now then who knows what you two will hide from us in the future".

I laughed menacingly then said to Heracles "And here we thought that Theo was the most reasonable one out of all our children, Herac". Theo growled loudly then yelled "You can't fathom how I felt when I sensed in, how much pain Vic was, papa! My heart shattered when I sensed how eager he was to die. I failed to notice his pain as his big brother. I can assure you that it won't happen again". Zeus then suddenly decided to rebel too and asked me "What were you going to tell us if Vic truly died today, papa. Were you just going to laugh it off and declare that you were wrong not to involve us?" "Who the hell does he think I am?" I asked myself while glaring at Zeus. The same Zeus who had been hiding many things from us himself. I wanted to yell: "How dare you judge me? at my  troublesome son but controlled myself. I was certainly going to get a chance to pay him back in the future. Didn't Zeus realize that, as a loving father, I would never let one of my children perish?

I am the ruler of the underworld! The one who passed judgment on who went to heaven and who went to hell. Then how could I allow my child to die? I was certainly not a monster who ate his children even if Zeus considered me as one. The whole room suddenly brightened. Heracles groaned loudly when the light stung his eyes. Heracles opened the window of the hospital room then growled threateningly at Gigi for attacking us. I was quite enjoying the whole situation but I wasn't going to let it show. Gigi flew away when she sensed that Heracles was about to destroy her. I had to stifle my laugh when I heard Heracles yell "Can't we just talk about what happened today like civilized people?"

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