Chapter 3

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Tiffany was seething with anger when she spotted Tracy. Upset over being distracted from her goal of getting Jack to come with her to her daddy's private beach house, she had to start her plot from scratch. Tiffany's father might be a neglectful asshole but at least she could use his money to help get what she wanted. Right now it was an Alpha's son, and the beach getaway would've been a perfect set-up. Adding salt to injury, this new bitch was sitting with 'her man' in class. No one ever challenged Tiffany and came away unscathed, especially not a human. Plastering a fake smile on her face as she made her way over to where Tracy was sitting, she had grabbed some ketchup and mustard packets off the counter.

"Well, hello there." She said calmly, her malice hidden behind the fake grin and thick makeup on her face.

Looking up with resigned expression, Tracy knew that 'barbie' was pissed. Expecting revenge from her earlier encounter, she noted Tiffany's stiff pose and hidden right hand behind her back.  When she saw that her friends were standing back with gloating smirks, holding up cell phones to record the confrontation, Tracy sighed with consternation. Figuring that they were about to ruin her outfit, she immediately thought of her rain gear. 

"Just a sec." Holding out her left hand, she reached into her back pocket with her right.  A rainy forecast for the afternoon had prepared her when she stood up and pulled out a folded piece of purple plastic. Shaking it a few times to reveal a hooded rain poncho, she quickly slipped it on, pulling the hood over her head. Settling back into her seat, she took a long sip of what remained in her cup, pushing the empty container aside when she finished.  Calmly folding her hands together, she looked at Tiffany's stunned face.

  Calmly folding her hands together, she looked at Tiffany's stunned face

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^Tiffany Duvall^

"Now, you were saying?" Tracy asked with a deadpan tone.

"Who the fuck walks around with a purple poncho?" Tiffany asked, mockingly.

Tracy didn't respond. "Listen you little..." Tiffany said, her voice dripping with venom.

"No thanks." Tracy causally interjected, cutting the girl off.

Dumbfounded by her reaction, Tiffany turned to look at her minions who just shrugged. 


"I said, 'no thank you.' I'm not listening to someone who has nothing to say. So, do as you must and move on."

By now the cafeteria was motionless. Everyone was trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"Well...Since you lack the basic skills to carry on an intelligent conversation, I must bid you adieu, my dear. I have class."

Standing up to leave, Tracey turned to face a now fuming Tiffany as the whole cafeteria stared in silent anticipation.

"I'm not your enemy so don't become mine." Tracy warned in a low, threatening tone, before walking away leaving the whole place to erupt in chaotic whispers.

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