Chapter 26

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Tracy and Carla were climbing a tall 90 foot tulip popular when the Alpha link came through.  In training, both girls were about half way up the large tree when they immediately stopped their ascent. Reversing direction to descend rapidly, they used the trunk and branches as adeptly as any two squirrels.

"They've arrived." Tracy said apprehensively, after landing on the ground.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine." Carla reassured her friend, landing at the same time.  "Just remember, the average werewolf needs at least two years of training for complete proficiency in our ways.  I doubt they'll expect too much from you."

"And if they do?"

"Well then, you'll have to show 'em."

"I can't do it without you Carla." Tracy said quietly.

Carla sighed and closed her eyes, afraid of what Tracy was asking of her.

"I know that you're scared." Tracy said. "But hiding isn't going to resolve things. Your family won't accept you and  your mate doesn't know about you. If you don't reveal your true self soon, what's stopping him from finding someone else? Even If he rejects you, at least the bond will be broken and you'll be free from the pull." Tracy said, before whispering, "But what if he does accept you?"

Carla eyes flooded with tears, her heart overwhelmed with longing. Understanding her emotion, Tracy smiled. "These bonds have become our shackles. It's up to us to break free from the prison. No matter what, you have my word.  I'll be there for you forever."

Carla tears suddenly turned to giggles, "Wow that was so beautiful, and cliche."

Tracy grinned, "What can I say? I'm the END in Friend."

"Okay, okay, just stop." Carla said rolling her eyes.

"So, you with me Bestie?"

"Ok. Fine..." she said,  knowing that she would always stand by her only friend.  "...Just don't call me 'Bestie.'"

"Well then,  I'll call you 'Shirley'?" Tracy said, referring to the old 'Airplane' movie.

"You wanna die?" Carla asked.

Packing away their equipment, Carla made sure to bring along the guns. Heading over to meet with the pack, everyone had gathered in the large Drill Field by the house. Out front of the crowd stood Alpha Jonathan, Elder John, Jordan Baines, Erik, and a small delegation of pale strangers that stood apart from the rest. Jonathan motioned for Tracy to come over.

"What's going on?" she asked, calmly approaching the group .

"This is Lord Gideon Blood, a representative of the vampire covens." 

"It is an honor to meet you." The vampire said, taking her proffered hand with a slight bow.

"Same here." she said with a slight grimace,  thrown off by the coldness of his touch.

"Tracy? Lord Gideon would like to see how far you've come with your training." 

"No problem." Tracy said, looking over at Carla. They both knew that Tracy  had to demonstrate her powers. It was necessary for her acceptance as Protector.  Alpha John had trained her as a young werewolf, a less rigorous routine than she expected. Jonathan had ignored Tracy's training altogether, contributing to the simple routine. So, when she decided to follow their regular training protocol, Tracy ran the track for Gideon as any young werewolf with a few months of training would.

Gideon shook his head disappointingly, "She is supposed to be a Protector. I've known her predecessors, their abilities far surpass anything I'm seeing here. This girl is an embarrassment to that title."

Enraged at the disparaging comment, Carla yelled at the vampires from across the field.  Drawing everyone's attention to her, outraged hisses came from the vampire when she spoke. "Hey Pastie!" She shouted. "You really wanna see what she can do?"

"Carla?" Tracy said startled, as she watched her friend pull two semi automatic hand guns from her knapsack. "this is such a bad idea." she said with a slight cringe.

Aiming the weapons, she fired the guns towards the group. Screams and smoke filled the air. When everyone realized that no bullets were coming in, they reasoned it was because of Tracy.  Running at Sprite speed, she had plucked every one from the air.  When Carla stopped shooting, Tracy ran over to the small lake front next to the field. With her eyes glimmering bright silver, she held up both fists. Opening her hands, she released all the bullet slugs, letting them fall to the ground. 

Pulling out a trench blade from the band in her tights, Tracy smiled at Carla, who knew what to do.  As both girls charged towards each other, Carla's Beta wolf suddenly emerged. Gasps of disbelief echoed throughout the crowd as they watched her bushy red beast rush forward. The unexpected transformation of an Omega rank was something no one had ever witnessed before. Tracy swiftly approached it, slashing and cutting at the wolf, while blocking the vicious claws and teeth of her opponent.

Beta Jordan was stunned. He had assumed, all this time,  that she was unable to shift. At that moment, he felt ashamed, the guilt of his past crushing down on him. For no good reason, other than rank, he had never tried to have a healthy relationship with his niece. Her birth should never have been seen as a tragedy. It wasn't her father's fault that his grandfather had sex with someone other than his mate. Realizing all of this,  the crushing weight of guilt now knocked Jordan to his knees. He knew that it was his fault that Jackson's mate died. It was his fault that Jackson was exiled. It was his fault that Carla was being bullied all those years and he did nothing to protect her.

Carla's wolf and Tracy had both become stronger during their training together. Tracy was able to exercise her powers and Carla's wolf didn't hold back. Latching onto Tracy's arm, she tried to thrust the knife into Vera's shoulder. The wolf violently flung Tracy towards the pond. Rolling to her feet, blood dripping down her right arm, Tracy stood on the bank waiting for Vera to charge.  When the red wolf streaked forward in a flash of teeth and fur, Tracy used her left hand to grab the scruff of Vera's neck.  Using the wolf's forward momentum against it, Tracy rolled onto her back and launched Vera into the pond with her feet. Quickly standing, Tracy moved to high ground to await for the wolf's next move.

Vera growled loudly, the noise echoing across the field.  Standing in the chest high waters of the lake, she made her way out while glaring at Tracy. Suddenly a huge black wolf tackled Vera, knocking her on her back. Baring its teeth, it bit down on Vera's shoulder marking her. Shocked by this, Tracy wanted to help but something held her back. She felt that the black wolf, despite having its teeth sunk into her friend's neck, would not cause any more harm.

Vera's howl of pain turned into Carla's scream when she transformed back into her human form. The black wolf removed its teeth and licked Carla's wound. Using her speed, Tracy grabbed the sheet from Carla's knapsack and rushed over.  Wanting to hide her nakedness, Tracy attempted to drape her body with it, but the black wolf growled protectively.

"I think she would appreciate not being naked?" Tracy said.

The wolf looked down at his exhausted mate then nodded to Tracy. Licking Carla's cheek twice, she moaned slightly when it licked her wound.  Stepping back to allow Tracy to drape her friend with the sheet, Carla's eyes shut tiredly as the black wolf shifted into Jack. Naked on the field, he kept his eyes on his mate's unconscious face, gently picking her up, carrying her back to the pack house.  

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