Chapter 4 (Mature Content)

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Chapter 4 

It had been three weeks since his father had called Jonathan into his office. The bachelor only had a week left to find his mate. Towards that end, he had visited several packs hoping to find the one. But he always sensed that it was a wasted effort. No smells or tingles that moved him towards anything permanent. Now, he merely looked for suitability. Someone who, if nothing else, would arouse his natural libido. When he arrived at the Red Moon's pack house, a neighboring township, he decided to spend the night before returning home.

Jonathan was weighing his options. Traveling to the different packs, he had met a number of alpha and beta daughters that would be up to the task of Luna. But he still thought it would be best to select a wolf from his own house. She would have to be the daughter to a high-ranking wolf.

The female would be familiar with his habits.  And he would make sure she understood that he would not be changing anything about himself. He would require that she remain faithful to him until she produced one or two offspring. After that, she could do whatever she pleased, as long as she was discrete and made all the necessary appearances as his faithful mate.

The detachment of this arrangement appealed to Jonathan. He didn't want a clingy woman, nor a brazen one. Still, he didn't have any particular partner in mind. There were a few he could name that would suit what he was looking for, but at this point it didn't really matter.  He just needed a living, breathing, healthy, reproductively fit female.

Suddenly a knock at the door broke the silence. Jonathan immediately sensed the heat of an opposite sex.

"Come in." He called out, curious to see who it was.

When the door slowly opened, a petite and tightly clad redhead peeked in. She was pretty, like a young, virgin school girl with round firm breasts and a slight but delicate ass. Appearing shy and inexperienced, she slowly closed the door behind her. Jonathan recognized her as the Red Moon Beta's daughter. A relation to his future Beta's mate.

Is it Susie or Sally? He thought dismissively, Not really caring about her name or who she was.

Is it Susie or Sally? He thought dismissively, Not really caring about her name or who she was

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^The Redhead Girl (Name: Sherry Carwile)^

Jonathan raised a brow to her obvious subterfuge, as she blushed under his scrutiny and looked away. His eyes already dark with lustful desires, he could smell her arousal from across the room. Moving forward without a word, Jonathan could feel his inner wolf growl at the glow from the woman's tight upper thighs.

He knew exactly what she wanted. Wasting little time, he walked confidently toward her. Jonathan had seen her only once before, remembering how rare it would be to fuck a virgin redhead. He had recalled the lustful memory a number of times as fantasy, still wondering if the myth about their prowess in bed was true.

She seemed nervous and afraid. Stumbling over her words as he approached, he wondered if it was all just an act.

"I-I came b-because..." she stuttered, not daring to take another step.

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