Chapter 51 (Mature Content)

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CHAPTER 51 (Smuts ahead.  Also, some very disturbing content that may trigger. Please skip if uncomfortable, you're not going to miss much).

Lady Anna didn't say a word when Cade slipped into her room. In a few short hours he would be leaving, taking her heart with him. This was the hardest thing she had ever done.

She had loved her husband from so long ago.  But that memory was almost completely gone, along with any remembrance of his face. It's strange how something so dear and cherished could fade with time. All that she could see now was the handsome face of her Eternal One.

For once in a long time she felt hopeful about love. All the indignant acts and tortures that had been put upon her by a sadistic monster did not burn as hot  as this one small glimmer of hope. Maybe there was a place in this world for them both to finally have peace.

Cade strode boldly across the room.  Gently capturing Lady Ana's soft jaw in hand, he nudged her face upwards to meet his .

"I love you," he whispered.

She closed her eyes and kissed his palm.

"He knew that you were my Eternal One."  Lady Ana said, remembering the many nights when Lord Parrish would send a different man or creature in to rape her. No longer desiring to do it himself, he took pleasure in witnessing her discomfort and pain by the hands of others. Then that night came when it was different.  Something had changed that would alter his sadistic game.  Cade was young and strong and handsome.  Newly turned, he had no idea what was happening.  His innocence would make it possible for Lord Parrish to change the rules. Lady Anna would feel her heart ripped to shreds each time her beloved Cade would be in the arms of another.  And the monster made sure it happened often.

"I had never made love to a woman." Cade said, softly cutting through her disturbing thoughts. "I was still a virgin when he turned me.  I remember that first night.  Lord Parrish had full control of my being. He forced me to walk with him towards the town market for the hunt.  When an innocent young girl caught his eye, he ordered me to pursue her. I couldn't refuse.  At his will, he commanded my body to follow her into the dark.

I lived the nightmares he created.  Every evil thing I did was never with my consent, and I cannot forget the screams. That night she pleaded for me to stop as I tore off her clothes and consumed her; the strength of each stroke, so wicked and overwhelming that they broke her small bones.  He watched as my body rutted hers, the blood of  her bright red innocence mixing with the semen of my sin.  At the end he laughed; this time at her sobs before ordering me to drain the throbbing vein in her neck. 

Lady Anna held Cade close.  Listening to the steady beat of his heart, she could feel his suffering. The dredges of her own bottle had become an endless vinegar.  She knew her poisonous horrors would never diminish.

"I always hoped we would be together once he died.  Now, you still reject me."

Lady Anna remained silent.

"When you refused me I could only continue what was taught. I caused so much pain. For that, I am truly sorry."

Unable to tolerate his remorse, she raised up and tenderly kissed his lips. "I forgive you." She said softly.

"Before I leave from here forever, I beg for your tender mercy. You are the beautiful half of my tormented and broken soul. I need you tonight." He pleaded, looking into her eyes for the rejection he expected.

Lady Anna wiped away her tears and slowly nodded.


The return flight was quiet and uneventful. Jonathan had decided to spend the night at their cottage before going on to the pack house where there would be, no doubt, a lot of questions. Gideon, Isiah, and Cade each took one of the extra bedrooms. Tracy was grateful to be back. Exhausted physically, emotionally, and mentally, the jet lag didn't help the dreariness she felt as her body refused to settle down until she showered.

Pulling off her clothes in the middle of the bedroom, she stumbled into the steamy stall with her eyes closed. Standing under the pulsating  streams of piping hot water, she thoroughly soaked her hair. Relaxed enough to sigh, she grabbed a washcloth and squeezed out a bit of body wash to scrub away the grime. 

Jonathan's  cool arm suddenly wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his bare chest. "I thought you were going to sleep." She breathed out, as Jonathan ran a hard calloused hand over her smooth soapy body. Massaging her slippery breast and pinching at her erect nipples, he lightly bit at her wet neck,  causing her to moan. She could feel the mass of his cock bouncing against her inner thighs.

"I was about to, until your little striptease woke that special part of me up." He said, pulling her hips against his as his long member rubbed the back of her legs. Bending forward, Tracy pushed firmly back against it. 

"You'll be a  good girl for daddy?" He asked, grabbing her wet hair to snap her head back towards him.

"Yes, daddy." she moaned submissively.

Grabbing her hips, he aligned himself with her slick, tight entrance.  Slowly pushing his way in, he shivered at the snug fit as she slipped around his enormous shaft. She had braced herself against the shower wall to receive his thrusts; each one penetrating deeper. Feeling the throbs of his engorged cock, her body tightened with pleasure before convulsing into ecstasy. Jonathan suddenly bit into her neck to remark her. The pain was overcome by pure pleasure that drove Tracy over the edge. She fell apart with only him and the shower walls holding her up.

Pulling out, he quickly flipped her body over, forcing her back against the hard, wet tiles. Lifting her high, she slid onto him again. With her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, he stroked her once more into a fitful climax.

Upstairs the vampires could hear the lecherous moans.  They all rolled their eyes and buried their heads into the covers, except for Gideon. His Eternal One was all that he could think of. What were the odds that it would be him who would train the Protector. Pacing back and forth in his room, he wanted to go down, rip Jonathan away, and end the tantalizing torment. 

Not yet! Gideon thought. I must bid my time.  Soon, I will have my beloved.


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