Chapter 66 (Mature Content)

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CHAPTER 66 (Smuts Ahead)

4 days ago...

Despite her earlier than usual bedtime, Tracy couldn't fall sleep. It was way past midnight and her heart was heavy as she stared at a photograph of Jonathan, wishing desperately that he was with her.

"Never again.' She thought.  There's no way that I' will ever be able to leave him alone." 

Sighing, she packed away the photo before an awful thought crossed her mind.

"What if he's cheating on me again?"

It took everything she had not to pick up the phone and call Carla. Managing to control the crazy impulse, Tracy inhaled deeply before exhaling. She had seen the sincerity in her mate's eyes when he made his promise. "Her, only her, and no one else."

But that was before... UGH! Slamming her fist into the pillow, she pulled the other one over her head, trying to block out the train wreck of thoughts speeding through her mind. Everything eventually crashing, she fell into a deep slumber.


A single loud knock at the door had brought Tracy out of her fitful doze.  Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she tried remembering when she had fallen asleep.

KNOCK - KNOCK - KNOCKThe pounding was insistent now, bringing a sense of urgency to her lethargic mind.

"Alright! I'm coming! Hang on!"

Untangling herself from the twisted covers, she unlocked the door and cracked it open. Without invitation Tiffany pushed her way in.  Breathless with excitement, she paced in front of Tracy's bed with a flutter of energy.

"You know there are pathways outside that are more picturesque than these  four walls." Tracy snapped.

"He knows!" She whispered sharply, grinding to a halt.

"Okay. I'm guessing you're referring to Dameon and the baby. Well, what did he say?"

"He knew I was pregnant when he first saw me. He still accepts me, even after I tried to seduce his brother. 

"Did Dameon hurt you?" Tracy asked, concerned.

"He yelled threats and tied me up.  But he never hurt me, hurt me."

"I guess that's good. Whatever that means." Tracy said with yawn.

"Oh my gosh!  He's so wonderful. He loves me and accepts me not because of how I look or my body. We actually talked.  And... and... I've never had anyone care about me before." Tears formed in Tiffany's eyes.  Her reaction showed the vulnerable little girl that she really was. Tracy comforted her with a hug before Tiffany continued. "He said that he always wanted a large family to love the way he never was.  It made me realize that I wanted that too."

Tracy yawned again then stretched her arms. Wondering about the obvious, she blatantly blurted out her question.  "So, who's the father?" 

"I think it might be Mr. Felber's. 

Tracy wasn't surprised at the answer.  She remembered the older man as her sleazy, balding English professor.  Far from handsome, he was fired for misconduct before the school year ended. When the police came to arrest him for sleeping with his 13 year old niece, he fled in his car, crashing it into a tree, putting himself in a coma. 

"Are you sure it's him and not Jack?"

Tiffany shook her head firmly. "Jack passed out when we were doing it." She moaned in shame. 

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