Chapter 17 (Mature Content)

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This is going to be a very sad chapter with sensitive subject matters. Proceed with caution.

FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SKIP: There is a summary at the bottom of this chapter after the "Author's Note" which is in bold.


The shimmering silver wolf ran swiftly through the forest until exhaustion forced him to stop. Shifting back into human form, Jonathan dove into a small but deep pool at the base of a waterfall.

"WHY?!" Eli demanded.

Jonathan could hear his angry wolf shout,"We almost had her! She was willing to be ours!"

"Not mine, yours!" Jonathan growled.

"She could easily love us both, if you weren't such an obstinate asshole!"

"I don't want her love. I don't need it either." Jonathan said.

Eli was silent. Dragging himself from the water onto a rocky bank, Jonathan threw a wet arm over his eyes and rested, old memories of lost friends still surfacing in his mind.

12 years earlier...

12 years earlier

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^Erik Baines^

"We are going to be late, so hurry up!" Erik yelled.

"Hold your donkeys, I'm coming!" a voice yelled from upstairs.

Jonathan chuckled at his friend and future Beta, "Why bother? You know she's not going to come out one second before she's ready. Besides, it's not like there's any rush."

Erik sighed, "Why did we agree to this?"

Erik sighed, "Why did we agree to this?"

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^Briella Page^

"Because we're currently mateless losers." Briella said, walking down the steps.

Tonight, was senior prom. The huge after party, in honor of an Alpha's heir graduating, would be the biggest on the East Coast. All unmated pack members were invited to their house in order to find mates. Jonathan, Erik, and Briella, the Gamma's oldest daughter, still had to find their mates. Everyone in the pack always called them 'The Trinity of Trouble'. Woe to the poor souls that hooked up with them.

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