Chapter 70

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Present Day...

Vampires love dark places, and Gideon's coven house was no exception.  Dreary but always clean, he had commented once to Tracy that a vampire's enhanced vision and immaculate nature demanded a tendency for drab orderliness.  In contrast, the scenery outside the house windows was always beautiful. This time situated on a huge lake, it was a pristine setting that Tracy obviously couldn't get enough of.

Looking around the medium sized bedroom she tried to picture herself living here. It was very austere and cold. The sheets were pulled so tight you could bounce a quarter on them. And nothing was out of place. Finally shaking her head at the thought of it, she preferred the warmth of her own home. Tracy thought of the stone house that she and Jonathan shared. Her heart ached for the way it was, but little by little the hurt began to lessen. 

When Gideon walked into the room he was handsomely dressed in black jeans and a white T-shirt that emphasized the contours of his lean, well toned frame.

"Wow. I didn't know you owned casual clothing."

"You said I looked like a funeral attendant so I thought I might change things up a bit." He said with a shrug before snuggly wrapping his arms around her.

"You're sad."

Tracy shrugged. "Nervous I guess."

"This involves me as well.  You won't be alone. I've waited too long for my Eternal One. Jonathan won't stop me from being with you till the end."

Tracy sighed again the smiled. "I guess we had better tell him then."

"Sorry about last night."

"That's ok, but I'd appreciate it if you calm down. You shouldn't worry. If something goes wrong you'll be the first to know. It's weird because nothing ever seemed to phase you until now.  If I have a slight twinge you fall apart."

"Compared to that tiny little heartbeat, nothing in this world could mean anything more."


In the shower Jonathan scrubbed away layers of grime from his skin. As the hot water rolled off his tense body, the turmoil in his mind subsided knowing that his mate was coming home. Before Tracy came along, he had put nothing before the good of the pack. Now he felt torn.

Jonathan dried himself off and shaved. Never again did he want to be without her. Impossible for him to pull away from his depression, he sighed heavily about the future before feeling the need to talk to Solomon about the missed meeting.

Jack was waiting on his bed when Jonathan came out. 

"We have a problem." he said.

"Can it wait?" Jonathan asked, putting on his clothes.

"No.  In fact she's gone into labor."


"Congratulations!  You're about to be a father." Jack said caustically. "Remember the redhead from Red Moon Pack.  Well, she showed up here claiming that you're the 'baby-daddy.  She about to have it any second."

"It can't be mine. I never came inside her. Besides, the math doesn't add up."

"Well, now that you've emerged from your cocoon, you can flutter the fuck on over there and find out what the hell is really going on because I'm too fucking stressed from running this zoo to deal with your 'extra baggage' shit."

"Watch your tone.  I'm still Alpha." Jonathan growled.

When Jack snarled back brazenly, it shocked his brother. He had never defied him like this. Realizing how bad things might be, Jonathan sighed and apologized.

"Jack. I'm sorry."

"I understand. Hell! I would have burned shit down had Carla gone missing. But the place is falling apart. The pack needs it's Alpha and I'm not it. While you've been out of it Mom and dad had to leave."


"Remember Robert Renner; The old guy that was like a second father to dad? Well, he's dying. They went to see him in the Florida Keys since he has no other family. They got caught in a hurricane a few  days after arriving and now no phone lines or way of getting back. Other than that, Tracy is MIA and  Erik is dealing with his own crap. The armory was broken into and supplies are missing. People have been acting as if they've lost their damn minds and the basement cells are full of pack members awaiting judgement for different offenses, mainly disruptive behavior and defying orders. If it wasn't for Carla and the omegas working overtime, everything would have gone to shits."

Jonathan felt ashamed for all the pressure he had put on Jack. Aware of his neglected obligations, he finished dressing and hurried downstairs to his cleaned-up office. When he entered Solomon Gray was seated on his dark brown leather sofa sipping a glass of coke and black rum.

"Great! You look human again." He joked. "I must say,  Mrs. Whitman is an amazing woman. I was fully convinced that they would have to tear down this place and completely remodel it. But what do you know.  She walked in with a broom, dust pan, and two girls and voila, the joint is clean again."

"What happened at the meeting?" Jonathan demanded, ignoring the quips.

"Tracy represented the pack admirably." He said, continuing to give a brief description of the discussions and decisions made before adding the part about her challenge that Jonathan dreaded.

"What? She was challenged?  By whom?" he roared.

"Elder Rameeta. He claimed Heir's Rights for pack leadership.  

"That dude's so old the twins could probably take him down." Jack said.

"That's why he chose a representative."

The room became quiet as Soloman shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "He said that since he was 'past his prime' he wanted someone younger to do his bidding.

"And who was that?" Jonathan asked coldly.  The Alpha's tone made the councilman nervous.

"Alpha Colin Winters of Midway."

An angry roar shook the rafters.  Birds fluttered from their perches, while pack members tiptoed quietly away from the house.


So good. We are now caught up.

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