Chapter 35

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Laura Evans sat with Tracy as she oversaw the light sparring between four teams of Omegas. As Jordan's mate and Tracy's mother, she had become an accepted member of the Cub Creek Pack. The training field the Omegas were given was located in a clearing on the East side of the Pack house, not far from where Tracy and Carla trained together. Since they were surrounded by forest, their training was shielded from the rest of the pack. Laura was proud of what Tracy had accomplished.

"How are things going with Jonathan?" Laura asked.

"Eh, alright. We've both been so tired and haven't really had a chance to do more than work and sleep."

"If things were 'normal' I would be asking you about college or trade school.  Being a werewolf's mate, especially an Alpha, is much different than being a regular 18 year old."

"I'm glad you're not pressuring me to go to college." Tracy said.

"To be honest, college itself is overrated. Some of the biggest idiots I know are doctors. They were able to study a book but have the common sense and annoying properties of a gnat. Couple that with the fact that colleges are ripping people off who are just getting started in life.  It's ridiculous. I would much rather you take out a loan and start your own business than dump borrowed money into some rich man's pocket." Laura said shaking her head, "too many studying people and not enough doers. At this rate no one will be able to change a light bulb without calling a 'professional.' That's fine too, if people are that stupid. You can build a light bulb installation company. Your father started his own business. He washed windows and worked as a handyman, while at the police academy to pay bills. Made better money doing that, believe it or not, than as a police officer."

"Thanks mom." Tracy said, "I do plan to go to college but I need to get this things straight first. Not that I particularly need a degree to be a Luna or Protector, but I don't want my kids to one day have to fill out a form that asks for parents highest education level and they feel as though I was 'ignorant.' What about you mom? How are things going with you and Jordan?"

Tracy's mother had been worried about Jordan. He never wanted to talk about what happened when he visited his half brother in jail. Since his return, he's been pressuring her to move in with him. When he first mentioned it, Laura almost agreed but something about how nervous he seemed threw her off. She decided to wait until he chose to confide in her. Meanwhile he held back his wolf's natural instinct to go all caveman on her, he nevertheless growled over her stubbornness.

"I'm not really sure." Laura said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?"

"Well he won't tell me. I told you that he went to see his half brother, Carla's father, but he hasn't wanted to talk about it.  Now he seems more paranoid and doesn't want to leave my side." Laura said sighing. "I yelled at him this morning for being so clingy. I really don't mind it because I love him, but it's not in a 'I love you and want to be close to you' type of thing. It seems more like a feeling of dread or fear that I'll disappear. And then there's his insistence that I move here with him. I can't trust or give into him if he doesn't trust me enough to talk to me. Anytime I try to point that out he doesn't want to hear it. I'm at my wits end. I thought for sure that we were doing so well, but something about that visit to see his brother has upset him and he won't tell me why."

"Ooo, that's tough mom, but if you're not happy then you don't have to be with him." Tracy said.

"Oh honey it's easy to give up on something because it's not ideal or perfect but he's a missing part of my heart. I loved your father so much and didn't feel as though I would ever be with anyone else. But Jordan makes me feel... almost whole again." Laura said.

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