Chapter 52

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The next morning Tracy went downstairs to make coffee. As she prepared breakfast, the sizzling pop of bacon and sweet smell of her homemade blueberry biscuits filled the air. After pulling the cooked meat from the hot skillet, she quickly cracked six eggs into the grease. Sensing another presence in the room, Tracy turned around to see Isiah's lean body moving across the floor.

Despite the rich nourishment he had received, including all the bags of bovine blood, Isiah was still mostly thin and frail. His clothes fell loosely off his form, and his pale facial skin seemed to be pulled taunt over protruding bones like the cloth on a display manikin.

Years of starvation and physical abuse had pushed his body into survival mode. What healing abilities he still possessed went solely into keeping himself alive. He had endured a great deal. But, even with all that had happened to him, and the danger he was accused of placing everyone in, Tracy could sense that his intentions weren't of evil intent. However, the reasoning behind what he had done was still a complete mystery.

"Good morning. Breakfast will be ready in a few." She said. Isiah smiled weakly and offered his help.

"If you could finish these eggs that would be great. I need to check the biscuits."

Isiah limped over to the stove.  Probably due to some harsh torturous event while in prison, his body hadn't deemed itself important enough to heal that part right away.  Taking the spatula he stood to one side and turned the eggs while Tracy opened the oven door. 

"A few more minutes." She commented, before quickly grabbing a small bowl from a base cabinet.  Mixing powdered sugar, butter flavoring, and a little milk to make a glaze, she pulled the hot bread out and drizzled them with it. 

"You can pour your coffee and start eating. I'll go get everyone else." She said, exiting the room. "We need to talk later." She added meaningfully.

Looking away, Isiah slightly nodded.

Running up the stairs she knocked on Cade's door. He greeted her with a mouth full of tooth paste and a hand towel thrown over his bare muscular shoulder.

"Breakfast is ready." she said.

Cade nodded.  Muttering a muffled thank you, he shut the door. Since offering him and  Lady Anna a place of refuge, Tracy hoped that the young vampire would no longer pretended to be as irresponsible as before.

When she approached Gideon's door, he called to her.  Peeking inside, she saw that he was already dressed, as usual, wearing a dark, expensively tailored suit.

"Good morning. " She said pleasantly. "Breakfast is ready.

Using his vampire speed, Gideon rushed next to her. Placing his body well within Tracy's personal space, she ignored the intrusion.

"I hope you slept well?" He said politely.

"Very well, thank you. And yourself?" She asked, getting a feeling that he wanted to say something more.

"Fine." He said simply.

"Well, you should head on down while everything is still warm." Tracy said, before exiting the room.

When she entered the master, Jonathan was sprawled out over the bed. Face down, Tracy noticed the golden hue of his smooth taunt skin as the morning rays of sunlight danced over his slumbering form. Placing a gentle kiss on his warm flesh, she felt intoxicated by the sight and smell of her mate. Jonathan groaned lightly as he blindly wrapped an arm around her small frame.  Rolling over, with his eyes still shut, he pulled her close to his chest.

With a single finger, she began to trace the contours of his muscular chest and abs.  Loving the beauty of the moment, she placed another kiss on his ribs, before looking up to study his face. "Breakfast is ready." She said softly as her arousal grew.

When Jonathan's eyes opened, Tracy's heart sped up.  Full of lust when they met hers, she noticed the sexy smirk of his curved mouth . "Thanks for bringing me my breakfast." He said devilishly.

Sliding her small frame beneath him, he kissed a trail to the moist target between her thighs.  With moans of pleasure, it would be a long time before either would eat at the table.


^Isiah Blood^

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^Isiah Blood^

Isiah sat anxiously at the table. Plucking at his left sleeve, he refused to look up. Tracy felt sorry for him. Glancing over at Gideon's stone faced expression for a que, he gave nothing away.

When Tracy cleared her throat to speak, Gideon suddenly cut in.

"Why did you take it." He demanded firmly.

Isiah stilled.  Looking up, his eyes met Gideon's in a cold unflinching duel.

"I've been imprisoned for 20 years.  That's a long time to be curious, Uncle." Isiah spoke sharply.

Gideon clenched his jaws and looked away.

Isiah resumed tugging at his sleeve.

"Did you take it to help free Ivory White?" Tracy asked bluntly.

"I found my Eternal One." He said quietly, a slight smile playing on his lips. "She was a beautiful child.  Only three years old, but very very smart."

"What happened?" Tracy prompted, after a moment of silence.

"She told me that the world was in danger and that the book was not safe. When she took my hand I saw the future.  Useless slaughters. The ancient library burning. I took the book to save this world.  

"How could a three year old...?" Tracy attempted to speak before being cut off again.

"So, like yourself, she is anomalous. A seer." Gideon said.

"Okay... Well, where is the book now?" Tracy finally demanded.

Isiah drew quiet as everyone leaned in for an answer.

Then he looked up at Tracy. "Have you said 'hello' to Lucy yet?"


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