Chapter 33

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The moonlight streamed brightly through the tall windows of the ballroom. Tracy couldn't stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks like gathered dew on a leaf. She wanted so badly to give Jonathan her all, but that small reminder of what had passed between them held her back.

Carla entered the room quietly. Closing the large doors behind her she went over to the piano and sat next to Tracy on the bench. Lifting the lid to expose the keys, she began to play a slow soothing melody that was familiar to them both.

Carla waited for her friend to compose herself. By the fifth song, she nudged Tracy playfully. "You know I'm running out of tunes. My fingers are starting to hurt."

Tracy giggled. "Thanks for being here for me." She said as Carla stopped playing to look up at her.

"Want to tell me what happened?"

"Not really." Tracy said shaking her head, "It's weird, this friendship thing we have. I never had anyone that I felt I could talk to, except my parents. I'm glad you're here."

Carla's smile echoed the feeling.

Tracy sighed. "Jonathan and I had talked about some things. He told me about his best friend, a girl named Briella. Landon's older sister, I think. She had a mate named Daniel who was abusive to her. Long story short, she was damaged so badly that she became dependent on her abuser. When Jonathan killed him to save his friend, she took her life. After that, he never wanted to fall prey to a mate's bond. It doesn't help that his other best friend has a spoiled, crappy mate too."

"Yeah, but at least she hasn't caused any further public scenes since you threatened to banish her. Your word stands, thanks to that little contract you put together."

Tracy smiled, "Put credit where it's due. That contract was your idea." Tracy was silent a moment. "I would never banish her though. Erik still loves his mate. However, I do have a plan."

"Like what? Drive her to the desert, throw her out, and let nature have it's way until there isn't a trace of flesh or muscle left on her bones? They're probably already bleached white, considering how much crap she puts in her hair."

Tracy stared wide eyed at Carla. "No you psycho. I'm not about to drive a thousand miles to find a desert. I'm thinking that she might just need a bit of humbling. In fact, I can think of a few changes that need to be made. Something is coming and things need to be in order. We'll start with the Omegas."

"First, I think it's best you and soul bro get on the same page. He needs you and you need him."

"I know. I just... "

"Oh for god sake just spit it out."

"I don't want to be the next number on his 'mattress list.'"

Carla was puzzled, "Mattress list?"

"Well yeah. You know he's forever getting some chick into his bed. I don't want to be number #1523 between the crusty corners."

Both girls burst out laughing until the tears started rolling down their cheeks.

"You do have a point. After that many, it's just flat out gross." Carla said, "That poor mattress should have been burned a long time ago."

Tracy giggled then sighed sadly.

"Let's do it!" Carla said suddenly with a Cheshire grin.

Tracy's eyes widened in shock then she grinned too. "I'll get the lighter fluid ready. We can do it as soon as he leaves for a perimeter check in the morning."

The Wars of Ivory White (Book I: The Protector)Where stories live. Discover now