Chapter 69

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After the challenge, when things had settled down, Lucy insisted that they take another trip. This time it was to Gideon's coven. The witch said they needed to meet with someone important. With everything that had happened to her so far, Tracy had come to realize that as Luna of her pack, she would always have duties that would take her far away from them.  

Tears slipped down her cheek as she sighed over the responsibility. As much as she loved Jonathan, she didn't feel she could ask him to come with her.  At that moment she felt that her pack and Jonathan deserved better. Someone who could be there for them at all times.

She had asked Councilman Grey to meet her at the pack house tomorrow. Jordan decided to fly home and be with his mates. He was anxious to see Laura and his pup growing in her belly. Superstitions usually kept werewolf parents from knowing the gender of their babes in case a witch wanted to cast a spell on the unborn. So they wouldn't find out the sex until the baby was born. Jordan was tempted to break the tradition because he really wanted a little princess to spoil and love after having two rambunctious boys. He smiled, Another little man would be great too, he thought.

Tracy and the others traveled to Gideon's coven, Blood Royal. Boarding a private plane, Tracy was determined to get some answers. Once the seat belt light turned off, she opened her mouth but was interrupted by Lucy.

"Patience, child." she said, "Eat first."

A flight attendant rolled a food cart down the aisle. Tracy shook her head, "I'm not hungry."

"We won't get anywhere with a Royal vampire constantly asking if your hungry and then worrying that you're not."

Tracy was puzzled, "Why would it be his concern?" she asked looking at Gideon who won't meet her gaze.

"Fish or chicken?" the woman in uniform asked.

"I'll take the fish and a ginger ale." Tracy said.

Fifteen minutes later... the plates and glasses were taken away and the flight attendant left. Lucy cleared her throat,

"First allow me to say congratulations. You're pregnant."

Ten minutes later...Gideon sounded angry Tracy thought as she came out of her faint. She felt like she was laying on a bed but she could still hear the noise of the aircraft's engine.

"She could have been hurt!" Gideon hissed.

"Tracy dear will you please tell Lord Blood that he's overreacting before he shreds the plane?"

That quickly snapped away the confusion in Tracy's brain. She hated roller coasters and the feeling of falling. Opening her eyes, she saw that she was in the private bedroom in the back of the plane, she looked at Gideon and said, "You're overreacting."

He still looked pissed. Without further thought she placed Gideon's hand on her stomach. She gasped at the contact. Shocks of awareness fizzled over her.

"How is that possible? I feel..."

"Like we're bonded?"

"Yes and no. I feel small tingles at contact but not as intense as I feel with Jonathan."

"It's a mate's bond," Lucy interjected, "of your child and Lord Blood. Your first born is his Eternal One."

"What? That's crazy. How do you know?"

"I can sense it," Gideon stated, "and when she is born her birthmark will confirm it."

"Oh this is so weird. Wait! You're not going to be perving on my baby like a creep are you?"

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