Chapter 55

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Jackson was not happy. First and foremost, taking them to Dameon Wilde would mean leaving his mate behind. No female, mated or not, within 100 miles of the Rogue King, was safe. The man had a reputation of being jaded.  And women couldn't resist his cruel charm. They feared him as much as they drooled over him.

The difference between this 'kingdom' of rogues and a normal pack was like the difference between early American colonies and the pirates of the Barbary Coast. In a normal pack, A werewolf council was established to make and enforce the laws. Rogues were outcasts of these packs. With ambition and Alpha blood, they would savagely fight to the death to establish their own kingdoms. In all, there were eight known rogue kingdoms that were set up in unclaimed Lands all over the world. These areas were considered neutral territories. As long as the rogues didn't attack anyone, they were left at peace by enforcers, either from Werewolf Councils or Born Were-Hunters like Tracy's father.

Dameon held claim to all of North America. He maintained his control by intimidation and fear. However, others had already started to silently rise to power, using titles of royalty to cement their claims. 

Jackson wondered how much longer Dameon could hold his throne. He was completely against taking his daughter and step daughter anywhere near 'Rogue Ranch', the name they had given the king's domain. Located in a remote desert area in New Mexico, Jackson remembered Dameon from when he was first banished there from his pack.  Merely a child when he experienced it, he had seen more at this place with his six year old eyes than men 6 times his age.

Dameon's father, the previous king, was a sadistic hedonist.  Drugs and orgies abound, Jackson had stayed there for almost 3 years as his bodyguard. This was where he had met Carla's mother. Mina was a human that had been invited to a party on the ranch. Normally the king would have first dibs at fresh meat, but Jackson had saved Dameon's life during a hunt the day before and was given the new "party slut" as his reward.

 Normally the king would have first dibs at fresh meat, but Jackson had saved Dameon's life during a hunt the day before and was given the new "party slut" as his reward

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^Mina Stauton^

With all the abundant and free flowing drugs on the ranch, Mina had quickly become an addict.  Scenting the growth of his pup in her belly, Jackson became a 'lone wolf'.  He knew that staying around the ranch would be a constant temptation for her. He forced Mina to leave with him so that his pup would have a chance to be born healthy.

It was such a messed up time.  And Jackson had no desire to revisit that awful place. Feeling his distress, Jordan and Laura had mind linked him to find out what was going on. Jackson said that everything was fine and would tell them about it when they got home from work. 

Carla could also feel his turmoil. "Dad. You don't have to do this." She said quietly. Tracy nodded. "It's a lot to ask, but this has to be done. Maybe you can stay behind while we go.  Just give us the location-"

"Then what Luna?" Jackson asked, the darkness of his stone cold gaze trapping Tracy. "That place is worse than hell. The last King was a 'Caligula' reincarnated. Vlad the Impaler was nowhere nearly as creative as Demon's methods of torture and death. God only knows what sort of creature his son is. It's a place where no one will be able to save you. What happens there doesn't matter to anyone. If the council, or our Alpha, finds out that we are even wanting to go to such a place, we will all be locked up. If we go without their knowledge, we're on our own. No one will come to save us."

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