Chapter 71

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After shifting in anger over the news of the challenge, Jonathan ran off into the woods for at least two hours. By the time he returned Soloman Grey had left. Peeved that he wasn't able to get the whole story, he decided to confront the brazen woman that claimed to bare his child. When Jonathan stormed into her hospital room, he paused. The redhead, whom he still didn't have a name for, was nursing her newborn. The distress on her face was immediately evident. Taking in it's scent Jonathan could tell that the child wasn't his.

"My brother tells me that you're claiming that this baby is mine." He said quietly, careful not to disturb the nursing infant.

"I'm sorry for being misleading, but I was hoping to talk to you before his birth. My mate is the father."

"And who is that?"

"He went out to get us lunch. He's an Omega. Ever since the pregnancy, I've been afraid that my father or his brother the Alpha would kill my mate and perhaps the baby too."

"I doubt that." Jonathan said.

"You don't understand. Status was always important to my family.  The significance of rank and title had always been imprinted on my sister and I from infancy. My parents and uncle, our current pack Alpha, had rejected their mates to achieve more powerful allies. When I was eight my older sister Crystal found out that your Beta Erik was her mate. Overhearing a conversation between my father and uncle, they said that anything less than that would be killed." Tears gathered in the woman's eyes. "I couldn't risk them finding out. So, when I heard that you were training Omegas to fight and become more equal, we came here. We're tired of hiding."

"Our Omega training program was my Luna's idea." Jonathan said with pride.

The redhead smiled before sadness clouded her expression. "I was so arrogantly dismissive of my mate and his rank. I thought I was too good for him and I hurt him repeatedly. Even though I tried, our mate bond was too strong to be broken, so I snuck around to see him. One morning, my father caught him in the house and beat him half to death." Tears trickled down her cheeks as the baby squirmed, sensing his mother's distress. She placed him over her shoulder and patted his back. A small burp made them both smile.

"While he was recovering, I discovered I was pregnant. When my father found out, I told him that it was yours. It was the only thing I could do to save my child.  So I waited until my child's birth before coming here. I did my best to buy time but I knew that it wouldn't last. When I heard that your mate had left, I convinced my father to allow me to come and take her place. I disguised my mate as my driver and we left. When I found that you had locked yourself away, I unintentionally misled your brother and his mate to believe that my son was yours.  I didn't try to correct the mistake because we needed to stay. We need sanctuary here. Otherwise, my father and uncle will kill us."

Jonathan sighed and walked away. "What is your name?"

"Sherry Blake."

Pulling the burp cloth off her shoulder, she revealed the impression of two paw prints, one within another. "It's my mate's last name."

Jonathan nodded agreeably. "Sanctuary is granted." Then turned and left the room.


When Tracy walked through the front doors, Jonathan rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.  Spinning her around, he took in her scent,  savoring the feel of her small lithe form pressed tightly against his body. Something smelled different to him, as if her scent had been enhanced. But before he could contemplate the aroma, he was ripped away from his mate by a growling, hissing clearly pissed off vampire.

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