Chapter 41

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Late the next morning, Jonathan and Tracy woke up to Jack's screams.

"What the hell?!" Tracy said, as she looked around for her friend.  Realizing that no one but Jonathan and herself were in the room, she heard it again.


Tracy heard Jonathan call the name angrily, but realized he hadn't moved his lips.

"Wha-?" She started to question.

"It's okay baby." Jonathan said wrapping his arms around her. "It's just a mind link. Our bond is complete now so you're part of the pack.  You can hear the links through me."

"What's wrong Jack? "Jonathan asked.

"I screwed up big time and now Carla is missing! "Jack exclaimed in a panicky tone.

"What?!" Tracy yelled, using her new abilities for the first time.

"Hi Tracy? Have you seen Carla? Is she there with you? "Jack asked quickly.

"No!  And if you've hurt her, I'll murder you!" Tracy said angrily.

"Babe! Let me handle this please." Jonathan said, knowing how much Carla meant to his mate. Rubbing circles on her shoulder, Tracy calmed down.

"Fine. I'm still going to murder him though." She grumbled.

"What happened Jack?"

I don't remember.  Last night I was sitting at the bar with Reilly and Landon listening to Carla sing. The next thing I know,  I wake up naked in Tiffany's bed."

"What?!" Tracy screeched.

"I swear, I don't know how I got there, or what the hell happened.  I immediately ran out and now I can't find Carla anywhere." Jack's speech held the tone of bewilderment, panic, and sadness.

Jonathan knew that Tiffany and some of the other girls were jealous.  Now he started to wonder how far they would go. "Calm down Jack. I'll get the trackers to find her. In the meantime, head to the clinic and have them do a hair and tissue analysis on you."

Jack groaned at the implication, but was unwilling to do anything to find his mate. "Please help me find her." He said desperately.

You've done all you can. Now, let the trackers do their job." Jonathan said, using his Alpha command.

Jack sighed before begrudgingly cutting the link.

Linking Tobias with the news, he was the head tracker. Still in bed, he laid back on his bed pillows and groaned at the demand. This was not how he had planned to spend his morning.  Newly mated himself, he wanted nothing more than to continue where the two had left off last night. "Damn it!" He thought disappointingly.

Jonathan could feel Eli's irritation as well. Tracy placed a quick kiss on his lips to distract him.

"Do you think he was drugged?"

"It's the only thing that makes sense." Jonathan replied. "Tiffany threw herself at him in the club last night. He refused to have anything to do with her. It was actually the reason we left. Besides, no matter how much a werewolf drinks, we can't 'black out' completely."

"Will they do a blood test?"

"No. Our blood would be clear of any drugs long before that happens. However, our hair grows quickly. If there were drugs involved, a hair sample could give us a timeline. If done quick enough a tissue sample would also give a better indication of the type of drug used." Jonathan explained.

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