Chapter 32

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Climbing a nearby tree to observe the disturbance, Tracy saw six rogue wolves fighting against a group of pack members. Landon had been in charge of patrol that night and was fighting against an ugly mangy one. All the rogue wolves were rough and savage; snapping and clawing at the pack like rabid, wild dogs.

More rogues came through the trees. The eight pack members, including Jonathan were soon facing off against three additional rogues. Tracy quickly maneuvered through the branches of the mighty oak and dropped to the ground.  Pulling out her black Bowie knife, everything stopped for a moment as all those in the fight paused to observe the newcomer.

When more rogues burst through the trees and charged Tracy, her grey eyes shone like liquid silver, glowing brightly. She brought her knife up and jumped to the side as a rogue leaped forward. Blood splattered as the sharp weapon found it's target; unsheathing a second knife, as another one charged from behind.  Sensing the danger, Tracy gracefully pulled a back somersault and landed on top of the wolf's back, driving both knives into its skull before ripping them out. Grabbing a passing wolf by its tail she whipped it around, hurling its body into another rogue,  both of them crashing into a tree trunk. The pack members quickly killed the rest.

Landon was about to finish off the last rogue when Tracy grabbed the ruff of his neck, "Wait!"

"What?" Jonathan asked shifting.

Tracy looked at the small, young 'puppy like' wolf laying on the ground with several injuries, a look of resignation was prominent on it's features. Unlike the other rogues the coat on this wolf  wasn't matted or filthy. The wolf, though skinny, didn't have the sickness that the other rogues had. Perhaps it was a new rogue.  But given how thin the wolf was, if it had been part of a pack it was extremely malnourished. Every instinct told her that it was innocent and needed her to protect it.

Tracy walked forward. Jonathan grabbed her arm. "Stay back!  You can't trust a rogue."

"Stop." Tracy whispered.  Trying to shake off his grip, he refused to let go. Tracy sent him an annoyed look before looking back at the wolf. "Shift." she commanded with the strength of a true Luna.

The tiny sized wolf shifted into a young girl who looked no older than 10 or 11. Landon had shifted back and brought shorts for Jonathan and a large t-shirt. Grabbing the shirt Tracy pushed it over the girl's head. She pulled her arms through the garment, the length of it covering her knees when she stood.

"What's your name?" Tracy asked gently.

"Carrie Talts."

"How old are you Carrie?" Tracy asked gently.

"How old are you Carrie?" Tracy asked gently

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^ Carrie Talts ^

"10, Luna." The girl replied. All the werewolves in the clearing were shocked. Most pups didn't transform until they were about 13 or 14. This girl must be of alpha blood. She must have been through something traumatic in order to be forced to shift so soon.

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