Chapter 21

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Sneaking in through the side door the girls went upstairs to change for the ceremony. When they came into the hallway, Carla left Tracy at the top of the steps on the second floor while she continued on to the third. Tracy walked quickly down the long corridor. Pausing outside her room, a familiar pain struck her heart. Swallowing hard, she opened the door.

On her bed, under the twirling blades of a ceiling fan was Jonathan. Zoned out, his eyes closed in sexual pleasure, he had mounted the same blonde bimbo from the pack dining hall. Humping her wildly like a feral dog, her plastic face, pasty and cracked, contorted each time he slammed into her, the beach ball boobs bobbing unnaturally. Disturbing to watch, the scene was obscene, with over dramatic moans and grunts that imitated a porn star's lighted set. They didn't even notice her.

"Gross." Tracy thought. No longer upset that her mate was unfaithful, she was numb to it all. More pissed about the violation of her poor bed, she avoided looking at Jonathan's face, knowing it would put her in an unwanted trance. What really made her mad was the condition of the dress his mother had picked for her. Now crumpled in a heap on the floor, the woman had pressed it so carefully, even coming in to place it neatly on her bed. Angry, she strode past the rutting bodies, picked up the dress, grabbed her shoes and left.

Following the smell of pepper, Tracy found Carla's room at the end of the third floor hall. Upset about what had just happened, she stormed in. Carla had just stepped from the shower, steam still swirling in the air. Pausing, Tracy looked up sheepishly and apologized. "Sorry for not knocking." she said.

Cocking her head to the side, Carla knew something was wrong. Listening intently as a vision formed, she could see the aftermath of Tracy's wrecked bed, the over sexed couple getting dressed in her room. "Damn! You got problems." Carla said, disgustedly.

Tracy walked over with the white bundle. Laying her dress over Carla's bed, she spread it out, absently trying to smooth out puckers from the wrinkled garment. Carla watched the obsessive motions, her own tears of pain and regret now spilling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." She said, before going over to comfort her friend. Embracing each other, Carla pulled back and softly said. "Take a shower. You'll feel better."

^Tracy's Dress^

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^Tracy's Dress^

Scrubbing her body under the soothing hot spray, Tracy blessed the numbness that had settled around her heart. Grateful for a brief respite from the pain, she finished her bath, stepping onto the plush mat to dry off.

High wasted, the off white, floor length gown was trimmed in powder blue ribbon. Crystal beading adorned the bodice, with silvery lace appliques in the skirting folds. The ice blue shoes that Luna Camille had chosen were beautiful. But Tracy didn't care for heels; fancy dresses either. This would be the exception, and Tracy wore the garment radiantly. No shoes, of course. Applying a minimal amount of mascara and lip gloss, she put on a set of earring that her dad had given her for her sweet sixteenth. Then she was ready.

Carla was clad in blue sequence. A dress once cast off by an anonymous pack wolf, she had salvaged the floor length gown from a donation bin, repurposing it to suit her taste. Omegas were expected to use the unwanted items of their higher ranking counterparts. Like Tracy, she opted for a minimal amount of make up. Leaving her hair down in a mass of beautiful curls.

 Leaving her hair down in a mass of beautiful curls

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^Carla's Dress^

Not wanting to crumple her outfit, Tracy stood in the middle of the room. A sad smile splayed her lips as her heart felt mired in despair. Looking at her friend, Carla felt badly. Considering what she could do to help, an immediate plan formed in her mind. It was perfect.

"I know you might feel obligated to doing the right thing." Carla said, a sly smirk stole across her lips. "... and I won't try to talk you out of it. BUT, if you're going to pay the piper then it's only fair you pick the song."

"What?" Tracy asked, puzzled.

"Conditions. You need to make a list of demands. You're already ahead by not allowing him to mark you yet." Carla said.

"But I've already promised Eli that I would." Tracy said biting her lip worriedly. She did not want to disappoint her canine mate.

"There's no reason you can't." Carla said, hearing the hesitancy in Tracy's voice. ".... You didn't say when. Right?"

"No, I don't think so." Tracy said, smiling.

Pulling out a sheet of blank paper and a pencil, Carla handed them to Tracy.

"Time to demand a refund on your pain." Carla said, "A new bed and room renovation is a good place to start." Jotting down her requests, with the help of her friend, Tracey neatly folded the paper so it fit in the bust of her dress.

A short time later, Tracy and Carla had linked arms, walking together down the mansion's front staircase. The Mating Ceremony and Alpha Initiation would take place in the ballroom, followed by a feast in the grand hall. Pulling this off, in such a short time, required some amazing organizational skills. Camilla's gift was astounding.

Tracy's grandfather and mother stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"You look lovely." Roger said as Tracy stepped forward to give him a hug.

"Thanks grandpa." Tracy said, beckoning Carla forward. "This is my friend Carla. Carla, my grandpa Roger and my mom Laura."

"Nice to meet you." Carla said.

"Please call me Roger."

"And you may call me Laura." Tracy's mom said, instantly liking the beautiful girl in front of her.

Carla excused herself, leaving Tracy alone with her family.

" Alpha John informed me of what was going on." Roger said sadly, "I never imagined it would be like this. Werewolves are usually very reverent to their mates. I thought.... You don't have to do this Tracy." he said solemnly

"If I don't then I fail as a Protector. Mating with Jonathan is my destiny, and I won't run from it. But I do have conditions." She said with a sly smile.

"We're ready for you now." Camilla called from the entryway of the ballroom. Tracy moved forward, leaving her family to wonder what she meant.

The Wars of Ivory White (Book I: The Protector)Where stories live. Discover now