Chapter 37 (Mature Content)

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Pulling into the driveway of Laura's unassuming house, Jordan couldn't shake the feeling that something inside was off. A gut instinct wanted him to turn around and drag his mate away, even though his wolf didn't seem overly upset . But Laura had already retrieved  her keys from her bag and had exited the vehicle. Managing to pull himself from nagging thoughts of anxiety, Jordan tugged at the car's door latch and got out.

When they walked into the partially lit parlor, the silhouette of a large dark figure sat waiting for them in the shadows. "Who are you?" Laura asked calmly. Slightly puzzled by the stranger's presence, she seemed to have little concern for her own safety, much less Jordan's.

Protectively, Jordan whipped in front of her. Seated on the sofa was the person that had haunted his thoughts and nightmares. It was Jackson. Lounging comfortably in his place, he quietly lifted a gun off his lap and trained it on the head of his half sibling. "Have a seat little brother, we have a lot to talk about." Calm with the request, his invite was like asking  someone to  take an afternoon tea. A soft request that chilled Jordan to his bones. Regular bullets wouldn't have much affect, but a silver one did. It could kill a werewolf, or at least render him useless. Jordan immediately took a seat.

"Little brother?" Laura softly repeated the words. "You must be Jackson." She said nervously.

Jackson lowered his gun. "That I made M'lady." Responding almost playfully,he imitated a courteous bow from where he was sitting. "And you must be the second chance mate."

Laura couldn't help but smile. His grin was charming. "Will you please have a seat?" Jackson said,  patting the cushions next to him.

"No she wont!" Jordan growled, standing to pull Laura possessively to his chest.

Tensing at the response, Jackson snarled back. Laura attempted to wiggle out of Jordan's painful grasp, only causing him to tighten his hold even more.  "You're hurting the woman!" Jackson said, raising his voice. "Let her go!" He demanded. 

Jordan loosened his hold. "I'm protecting her from you! You want to kill her because she's my mate."

"Boys!" Laura barked sharply.

"Jordan, let me go! And Jackson, put away that gun!"  When neither man moved, Laura yelled. "NOW!"

Jackson slowly tucked the weapon into his waistband and Jordan released his hold. Aroused by her demands, both men thought she was sexy as hell.

"Now, I'm going to the kitchen to make dinner for the three of us, and you two will talk civilly while I'm gone."  Turning to look at Jackson, she asked. "I'm assuming you're here legally."

"I was released today." Jackson said, his voice thick with emotion. Jordan looked at him intensely, puzzled at his tone.

Laura nodded with a smile and went into the kitchen as Jordan sat down in the overstuffed chair in front of the sectional. For a few minutes, both men were silent, then Jordan tried to speak. "I'm..."

"She's my mate." blurted Jackson, rocking his posture towards Jordan for emphasis.

 "What did you say?" Demanded Jordan. 

Jackson calmly sat back and repeated himself. "Laura. She's my mate." 

Confused by his half brother's words, Jordan searched out Romulus for a reaction.  But his wolf seemed unconcerned about the claim.  Completely chill, it was like Jackson had just announced that the sky was blue. Werewolves are extremely possessive of their mates, yet Romulus seemed not to care at all. 

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