Chapter 47

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The next morning, Roger came to their house and told Tracy of his travel plans. He mentioned the favor he had agreed to for the Sprite queen, and was leaving immediately after this task to gather special herbs and seedlings to cultivate locally. Tracy kissed his cheek telling him to be safe. As her grandfather pulled away, Jonathan came out with their luggage and placed it in the back of his truck.

"Do we really have to do this?" He asked, annoyed. "We could get back in bed and..."

Tracy put her hand over his mouth. "Yes.  We have to go, so get your cute ass in the truck."

Jonathan grumbled like a five year old, until Tracy started to undo his belt buckle and unzip his pants. He grabbed her hands. "What are you doing?"

"Shutting you up." She replied, unbuttoning his pants to release his hardening member.


When they arrived at the airport, Gideon accepted Jonathan's presence without question and did nothing to provoke any drama. Tracy insisted upon following the captain's orders and sitting in their own seats.  But after the light turned green, Jonathan immediately unbuckled her and placed her in his lap.

"I would like to apologize to you." Gideon said to Jonathan. "I promise I won't steal your mate."

Jonathan growled at the remark. Tracy slapped his arm to get his attention. "If you're going to be difficult, I'll be forced to feed you a sedative." She threatened.

"Do that and I'll turn you over my knee and spank your bottom raw."

"Un huh. And I have super healing powers, remember." she challenged.

"Well then, I'll have to spank you everyday." He bullied, in his sexy, silky voice.

Tracy blushed as Gideon stood up. "I'm going to go fly the plane for a bit. If I stay here any longer, I'll have to jump out of it."

"Whatever you say." Jonathan said mockingly. "Let me know if you need a push."

"Jonathan!" Tracy yelled.

Gideon just rolled his eyes.
"Please limit your 'activities' to the chairs." He said forbiddingly, as he walked towards the cockpit.

She could have protested about the restriction but didn't, since everything about her mate turned her on. Instead, she blushed a crimson red.  Embarrassed about her thoughts, she sat patiently until the vampire had left. Tracy had wondered about it more than once, how this mate bond compelled her unyielding libido. She wondered if wanting hot sex all the time was normal, not that she would ever complain.

Three hours later, Gideon's voice comes over the intercom.

"We will be landing soon. You have 30 minutes to wrap it up and get dressed before the seat belt light comes on."

"Jonathan." Tracy said softly, as he kissed the smooth roundness of her bare shoulder "We have to get dressed."

"It only takes two minutes to put our clothes and shoes on."

Before she could protest, Jonathan distracted her with a kiss.


Thirty minutes, one landing, and a two and a half hour drive later,  they arrived at Dark Hills Coven House.

Thirty minutes, one landing, and a two and a half hour drive later,  they arrived at Dark Hills Coven House

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