Chapter 11

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The dining hall of the large stone house bustled with clatter. Industrial-modern in appearance, large, unobstructed windows complimented the glossy surfaces and polished wood finishes, opaquely reflecting the sun's rays. Two rows of wide, single plank tables with matching benches flanked each other. More intimate bistros with two chairs lined the far wall.  About half full with people, they came and went quickly. When Tracy walked in, the few who remained stopped and stared.  

Tracy hated being the center of attention, or having to explain her life to perfect strangers. Always an ordeal when she interacted with the general public, her self-inflicted pep talks were necessary when it came to speaking in public. Casual affairs with friends and family she could handle. Anything else scared her to death. So, she did what any self-respecting ingenue would, she made offhanded jokes to break the tension, skirting attention away from herself.

Realizing she was in one of those precarious predicaments, Tracy loudly voiced her gag before entering the kitchen.

"Soo...With all y'all being wolves and all, If we're eating dog food, I call dibs on the Kibbles 'n Bits?" 

Vague chuckles echoed in the room. Surprised with the irreverent statement, the ones she stunned the most, briefly looked at each other for support. Relieved, Tracy grinned at the response. It was like a magic spell that worked every time. Sighing, she hoped that no one noticed her true discomfort. 

Already half past eight, it was later than she preferred to eat breakfast. But Tracy was so exhausted from all the previous activity that she had over slept. Retrieving a plate of eggs and bacon from the kitchen, she filled a glass with apple juice at the bar, and proceeded to a small table near the rear.

When Jack, Reilly and Landon came in, she spotted them going into the kitchen. Coming back out with their food, they went to grab a seat on the far side, near the windows. Picking up her tray, she went over. Greeting her warmly as she approached their table, all three stood up and clapped. Landon bowing jokingly, like she was a Queen.

"Taking out that wolf was the most bad ass thing I've ever seen." Reilly said, as Tracey sat next to Landon, across from Reilly and Jack.

We met your grandfather yesterday. He say's you're a 'Protector of the Innocent.'" Landon said.

"That's so crazy!" he continued.

"Alpha John says he's a Born Hunter. I guess it runs in the family, huh?" Jack said with a mouth full of food.

Tracy smiled warmly.  Famished, and still a bit tired, she listened quietly, not saying much in response.

"We were always told to stay away from them." 

"Stay away from WHO?" Tracy asked.

"Hunters. You know, deer hunters, Big foot hunters etcetera." Jack said.

"I didn't know there were Born Hunters, people who actually took down Supernaturals." Reilly said. 

"I always thought Hunters were just blood thirsty humans who liked to shoot guns." Jack said.

"Is there really a Bigfoot?" Landon asked loudly, still thinking about Jack's last reference.

"Not a clue." Tracy said. "If you had asked me that yesterday, I would've said there was no such thing as werewolves. I hate cliches but, nothing would surprise me now." Taking a gulp of her juice.

"So, you're Jonathan's wannabe little mate."  It was a mocking voice that blared from behind where Tracy sat. Evoking a response that made her spew her apple juice, she apologized for spitting on her friends, then she turn around. It was an older version of 'bimbo barbie'.  A complete phony, she stood there with her fake tan, fake nose, and fake boobs. An overworked blonde hairdo, that probably wasn't hers, framed a thick, makeup coated face. Whoever decided that "fish lips" were attractive needs to be shot. Tracy thought. Three 'spray tan replicas' stood behind her chomping gum. 

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