Chapter 62

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"Sometimes the things that hold us together, are the things that tear us apart..."

8 days ago...

After waking up from a dreamless sleep, Tracy felt refreshed but restless. Worried about the council meeting that was less than a week away, she had made a mental note to her self to call home.  Tracy knew she couldn't allow the Alphaship to be taken from Jonathan. Feeling sorrowful for being away from her mate for so long, she pushed away the pain and got up.  This trip couldn't be in vain, she thought.  She was determined to get some answers.

Stopping by Lady Anna's room, Tracy poked her head in and saw that she was still asleep. Next door, when Jordan didn't answer her knock she followed the scent of food to the dining hall. Spotting him sitting alone, she went up and filled her plate. Sitting across from each other, they began to talk using their mind link.

Tracy: Have you seen Lucy?

Jordan: Not since yesterday.

When two men began arguing loudly over a bag of missing pills, no one else seemed to be bothered by the public dispute.  Looking like it would escalate into violence, Jordan knew it was time to leave.  

Jordan: I don't trust these rogues. We need to get out of here.

Tracy: We have to find her allies first, and either take her there or have them pick her up. I wish we could take her with us.

Jordan shook his head: Her coven was just attacked and she's injured. If she's can't tolerate sunlight then there's no way she'll be well enough to leave here and travel across the country.

Jordan paused for a moment as another scuffle broke out on the other side of the small dining hall. This time two guards dressed in black came in, roughly pulling the men apart. 

Jordan: We need to go home as soon as possible.

Tracy: I agree.

"Excuse me." A young girl said, who had approached them from the rear. No more than sixteen, she had red hair and was very attractive.  

"Doctor Myers  wants to see you." 

Following her out the dining hall, they approached Lady Anna's room.  The girl knocked on the door first then entered.

"Here they are grandpa."

"Thank you Ruby dear. You can leave now."

Tracy and Jordan walked over to the bed as the doctor tugged at the top sheet that covered Lady Ana's torso.  Exposing what appeared to be fang marks that were slightly above her heart, he pointed to a white, leaf shaped birthmark displayed between the scars.

  Exposing what appeared to be fang marks that were slightly above her heart, he pointed to a white, leaf shaped birthmark displayed between the scars

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^Dr. Peter Myers (Doc)^

"This is a vampire's claiming mark. Do you know if her mate is still alive?" 

"He is." Tracy said.

"Then that's her best hope right now. If you can get him out here, his strength and blood will enhance her recovery.  The widow's weeds they covered her with has overtaken her system. If it doesn't disperse soon we may lose her."

Tracy sighed. "I'll get him here right away.  Is Lucy still here?"

"No. She had to leave but said to tell you that she'll see you later."

Tracy nodded. "I'll get word to Cade right now." 

"It would be for the best." The Doctor said.


Tracy knew that the only person she could trust to find Cade would be Carla. Taking the coward's way she called Reilly instead. After the fourth ring it went to voicemail.

"I probably got a hot chick on my stick, so leave a damn message." >BEEP<.

"Why? Just why?" Tracy groaned.

Hanging up, she sucked in a deep breath and slowly dialed Carla's number. Cautiously holding the phone to her ear, it occurred to her that she had never been so afraid to call someone in her life.


"H-hey." Tracy said, as she fidgeted around nervously.


"Where are you?"

"New Mexico....  At the Rogue Ranch."  Tracy said with a wince.  There was silence for a moment,  the sound of grinding metal reverberating in the background. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm sharpening my knife." Carla said angrily. When the noise stopped, she spoke.

"You had better have one H-E double damn L of an explanation that you had better finish before I am done. Do you hear me?!" The grinding sound continued.

Recounting the events of her last few day, and a number of apologies, Carla agreed  not to jump on the first plane out to murder her. After hearing the severity of Lady Anna's condition, Tracy waited a few minutes on hold before Carla returned. 

"Jack found Cade.  He'll be on the 9 pm flight."

They were both quiet for a moment until Tracy asked about Jonathan.

Carla sighed. "He's locked himself in his study and refuses to come out. Luckily, the room has a bathroom." She added sarcastically. "His wolf wants to go feral.  It's probably best that he stays put until you get back."

"What about pack affairs. Is everything else OK?"

"Elder Mason and his wife had to leave. A death in the family, or something. Since then, Jack's been in charge.  Poor guy. He's doing everything he can but things are really falling apart fast and he's not a full Alpha. Elder Rameeta is causing all kinds of problems too. Our usually empty cellar is now full of dissenters and troublemakers awaiting judgement. In addition to that, Crystal is pregnant and Erik suspects it's not his. 

"This isn't fair to you all."

"We're fine." Carla said, "Sometimes the things that hold us together, are the things that tear us apart. You are the Protector. You have a responsibility that goes beyond the realm of Luna. Your obligations will sometimes take you away from here."

"I can't keep doing this Carla. The pack deserves better."

"I was born a lone wolf. I'm now a Beta trainer for a pack. Who we were, who we are, and who we will be is not always by choice. Fate pushes us into places we'd rather not go and into roles that we didn't prepare for. The only thing we truly have is the endurance and adaptability that was granted to us by our Creator. Whatever waits for us, we have to face it and I'd rather we do it together. S, come home soon."

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