Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

This is just a look at one of the dates that Eli, Jonathan's wolf, takes Tracy on. Wolves and their human can communicate all month and can also shift at anytime. It's just that the wolf side is stronger and can push through to the human easier one week before the full moon and up to 3 days after. Eli takes advantage of this lapse to woo his mate. Eli's idea of a "date" is not your average dinner and a movie because he's still a wolf.

The rays of a late afternoon sun glimmered through Tracy's window. Aware of the time, she closed her book and rolled off the bed. Dressing into what she had excitedly prepared for her date, Tracy had already paired  a casual ensemble.  Skinny jeans,  plaid shirt and charcoal grey vest would be her simple attire. Always practical, she slipped on a quilted vest for warmth. Then she stuffed a pair of gloves , 'doo rag' cap, blanket, matches, knife, and seasonings into her rucksack. 

Expecting Eli to show anytime, she was alerted by scratching at the window

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Expecting Eli to show anytime, she was alerted by scratching at the window. Greeting her through the glass was the most shimmering forest green eyes. Smiling, she opened the window for a large, silver furred head to poke through. Clenched in its teeth dangled a set of human clothes. Tracy rubbed Eli's head and took them.

"I'll be down in a minute." she said, stuffing the clothes in her rucksack. 

Letting out a small woof, Eli jumped from the small roof outside her window.  Shutting the window, Tracy tied her boots.  Grabbing her ruck sack she rushed out. Exiting the front door to where Eli was waiting, she noticed his impatient look. Grabbing his muzzle, she stroked the soft silver fur before walking with him to the bottom of the staircase.  Tripling his wolf size, Tracy mounted his back, Eli bounding across the open lawn with Tracy clinging tightly to his furry mane. Always mindful of his precious cargo, Eli leaped effortlessly over fallen moss covered logs and ducking under branches. Tracy had never experienced anything so thrilling.  Completely trusting Eli, no matter how much they twisted and turned, she knew he would make sure they were safe.

 Arriving at a quiet part of the forest with only the babble of a nearby creek, it provided a melodic sonata, reminding her of Carla's musical talent. Dismounting Eli's furry back, Tracy set her pack aside and proceeded to gather up sticks and leaves for their  fire.  Eli rushed off to find their meal.

By now the fire was crackling hot. Out gathering larger sticks for the fire, Tracy heard a loud wolf growl. Looking towards a clearing where she saw two fat rabbits bounding, Eli suddenly came into view.  Snatching both creatures up in his jaws, he came over with the prey, dropping them on the ground in front of the fire.

Pulling out Eli's clothes from her sack, Tracy held them up for him to take. Going behind a bush to shift, he returned in human form dressed, with no shoes. Taking a very sharp dressing knife from Tracy's hand, he pulled her in for a kiss.

"Ew... rabbit breath." she teased.

Eli quickly licked her cheek with his bloody tongue, causing her to squeal.

"EWWW.... ELI!" Tracy screeched, as she wiped away the saliva.

He grinned, causing her to giggle. Eli loved the little noises she made. It caused his heart to bubble with joy.  Nipping at her neck, he tickled the sensitive parts of her skin, making her squirm and laugh. Their stomachs grumbled at the same time ending their play. Placing one last kiss on her forehead, Eli set to work on cleaning and prepping their meal. Tracy seasoned the meat and put it on a spit. After adding foil covered potatoes to the coals, they snuggled for warmth, the air grew cooler, the evening darker with the fading sun.

"What's your favorite color?" Eli asked her, after a quiet interlude.

"Purple and turquoise." Tracy answered, "Yours?"

"It was orange like the sunset or green like the leaves in Summer." Tracing his finger along her soft, smooth cheek, he pulled her chin forward to meet her gaze. "But my favorite color now is grey, a beautiful and glorious grey." Eli said, as he continued his soft touch and gaze. "It's as comforting as the clouds on a cold, wet day when all you want to do is snuggle up somewhere and read a good book. Grey days always make me feel at peace.  I'm lucky because I get to have that feeling every time I look into your eyes."

Tracy leaned up to place a soft kiss on Eli's lips "Who knew that a wild wolf could be so sweet?" she thought.

From the back of Eli's mind, Jonathan's consciousness was watching. Eli usually blocked him out when Tracy was about to expose anything personal. But as retribution to Jonathan's way, he was allowed to see moments of intimacy, like when  his mate is pressed close to him, her sweet innocence kissing Eli's lips.

This could be us all the time you ass. Eli said to Jonathan in link.

Jonathan never responded. He simply watched as his mate leaned forward, pulling the meat and potatoes from the fire.

Eli sighed, his sadness pushing through the bond. "I want our mate but she won't take just a part of us. She wants every piece." 

Eli closed the link pushing Jonathan back to the quiet part of his mind.

"Here you go." Tracy said handing him a piece of meat and potato.

Eli took the offering, placing a lingering kiss on her soft lips, "I definitely want a second helping of this for dessert." he said with a smile as Tracy's cheeks took on an attractive rosy hue.

Placing his forehead gently against hers he said, "You're perfect love, absolutely perfect."


Sniff, sniff. That was beautiful!

Aw Eli is just so sweet.

I wonder if I can marry a figment of my imagination?

Hoped ya'll liked it.

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