Chapter 58

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12 days ago....

Sitting alone with her mother in the living room, Laura whispered to Tracy.  

"I'm pregnant." She said softly.

Stunned by the words, Tracy could only stare at her mother with an open mouth.

"Are you upset?" (Author's Note: I am! I had no idea this was going to happen...).

"NO! No. Just a little shocked. How are you feeling?"

"So far so good. Not much by way of morning sickness."

"Soooo.... Who's the father?" Tracy asked, taking a sip of her coke.

"Well that part is complicated.  Both Jordan and Jackson claim they can scent their 'pups' in my belly." Laura said hesitantly, "Either they're picking up their own scent or I'm carrying twins.  That would be strange since twins don't run in my family."

"But I thought you couldn't have any more children."

"Jackson and Jordan's bites have changed me physically.  I feel my aging slowing.  Yesterday, when I cut my finger with a knife, the wound closed up almost instantly.  I guess I have werewolf healing powers now."

"That's great mom. I'm finally getting the sibling or siblings I've always wanted. But how do you feel about this?"

Tears welled in Laura's eyes.  Sobbing slightly she said, "It's a dream come true. But what if I'm too old to be a good mother? What if I'm not completely healed and something happens?"

"First of all, you will be a great mother. I can personally testify to that. And thirty-six is not that old, especially in werewolf years. Mrs. White, our pack cook and housekeeper, had her last baby at 68.  So, you'll be fine. And don't worry, I've seen wolf dads. They're extremely protective of their pregnant mates.  You have two to pamper and look after your every whim and pickle filled craving. Besides, werepups are extremely resilient.  It's very rare that they have any birth defects."

"But there's no guarantee that it will be a werewolf." Laura replied with panic as a whole new set of anxieties crashed her mind. What if the baby is human and doesn't have werewolf healing? What if one of her mates die? They won't get to see their baby. What if there's only one pup?
One of the mates will be disappointed. What if they are so disappointed that they'll leave her? What if..... OMGoodness!!! WHAT IF THE BABY IS BORN WITH FUR?!!!! And teeth?! Wait! How am I going to breastfeed?

"MOM!" Tracy shouted after the fifth time of trying to reach her attention.


"First of all, is it just me or is the author's really good way at coming up with a list of anxieties that don't even exist, both literally or figuratively?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Laura said, shaking her head. "The girl really needs to take a chill pill."

Author: Y'all are so mean... besides I'm an expert at coming up with situations that will never happen. Like, if I'm driving down the highway and see a beer truck. I always wonder how many times they get pulled over for sobriety tests.

>Laura and Tracy stare at Author<

"That's not even a situation."

Author: Exactly!...... uhem.... Okay. I'm leaving... I should have NOT had that second cup of coffee.

"And secondly." Tracy said, taking her mother's hand. "Do you remember when I was four and had to get a shot from the doctor? You said that the worst part was not the procedure but the fear of getting the shot. You told me to take a deep breath and relax. What will happen will happen. Worry and fear accomplishes nothing except to make things harder. Take a deep breath and slowly exhale.  Everything will be alright."

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