Chapter 16

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The east wing of the second floor was eerily quiet as Tracy made her way down the empty hall. Walking towards Jonathan's room, she approached the entrance, cautiously pushing at the partially opened door. Completely trashed when she walked inside, it was apparently attacked in a rage. Claw marks scarred bare walls, unshelved books littered the floor, and glass vases and picture frames were smashed. 

The smell of fresh blood clung to the air as she noticed a dark, wet stain next to the bed. Sitting  in the mist of shredded sheets and down feathers was Jonathan. Smiling at her intensely with wolf green eyes, Tracy knew immediately that it was Eli.

"Eli? What happened?" She said with concern. Uncertain about how he would react.

In a blur, Eli pulled her into the room and shut the door. Her heart raced when she heard the lock snap. Pleasured by his touch, Tracey shivered before being pushed against the wall. Placing his muscular leg between her thighs, she felt overwhelmed by his power, and was instantly aroused. When moist heat pooled between her legs, her breath came in short pants. Tracy felt she would burst into flames.

Smelling her arousal, Eli closed his eyes. Dropping his head into the crook of Tracey's neck, he took a deep breath. "You smell so good." He said, using his thumb to rub her bottom lip. "I bet you taste even sweeter," he whispered.

Seeing the lust in his eyes, Tracy struggled to remember how to breathe. Swallowing hard, she unconsciously licked her lips, her tongue grazing the tip of Jonathan's finger. His eyes, already black with hunger, kissed her passionately. Their tongues, dueling for dominance, had forced the two bodies even closer. With his thigh pressed tightly into her wet core, Tracy rocked her hips in a haze of wet carnal desire.

The need to inhale forced them apart. Eli placed his forehead against Tracy's and took deep breaths, Tracy panted trying to catch hers.

"Please tell me what's wrong." Tracy whispered softly.

Eli sighed, "He tried to hurt you again."

"What did you do?"

"I forced a shift then clawed at the bitch." he smirked unrepentant.

"Eli, please!  You shouldn't hurt anyone." Tracy begged.

"I won't tolerate the pain he causes you." Eli growled, pressing another firm kiss to her lips. "He sees how perfect you are. Your scent, your touch, it drives us wild. Yet, he still wants to act a fool. How I got saddled with that idiot is beyond me." he said in disgust.

"Eli, I want you to promise me that you will not hurt another soul."

"NO! I want you! Not all these other whores. I want you and only you!" He roared; his eyes filled with rage. "I would rather go feral than be with anyone other than you. You're MINE!"

Tracy put her hands on the sides of his face, her touch instantly calming his anger. "I am yours Eli. But I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Tracy said.

"You're not mine until you bare our mark." He muttered, gently kissing her cheek and lips.

"Eli." She said, softly soothing him with her tone. Licking her lips , she looked deep into his eyes. "Eli, do you want to mark me?"

His eyes filled with desire, his voice with longing. "More than anything little one." He said gently.

Tracy, with sincerity, stared deeply into Eli's eyes. "I will let you mark me." she said softly.

Jonathan's whole body stiffened, as he tried to process her words. Kissing Tracy passionately with an unbridled lust and his need for domination, she briefly submitted to his advances. Eager to plunge his manhood into her softness, Eli wanted to howl. Before he could sink his canines into her flesh, she gently pushed him away. The unexpected disappointment was so keen to his senses that he longed to ignore it. Wanting to force her acceptance, he thought about ripping away every scrap of fabric that covered her tight body. Right then he desired to mark every inch of her soft smooth skin.

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