Chapter 53

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Within the pack, Isiah and Cade were introduced as guests. This didn't sit well with many. The elders, and others, felt uneasy having two unknown vampires staying with them indefinitely. And to make matters worse, everyone knew who they were, a released convict and recently blood-weaned predator.

Grumbles of concern began to sound throughout the ranks. With a successful Omegas training program underway, and their undefeated challenges on the books, Jonathan suspected that things wouldn't remain stable, especially now that free range bloodsuckers were hanging out on the pack lands. These were changes that wouldn't go unchallenged, and he knew it. But the flags of discontent wouldn't unfurl fully until a month later.


Elder David Rameeta had always felt that turning the responsibility of Alpha over to John Mason's son had been a mistake. His father was John's grandfather's twin.  Younger by only eight minutes, John's grandfather died soon after meeting his mate.  The Alphaship was given temporarily to David's father. But when his mate gave birth to a male heir, who was an exact replica of the dead man, the council ruled that the baby would be given the Alpha position as soon as he found his mate.

 But when his mate gave birth to a male heir, who was an exact replica of the dead man, the council ruled that the baby would be given the Alpha position as soon as he found his mate

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^Elder David Rameeta^

Forced to step aside, David's father had to give up what he felt should have been his birthright. Although angered about his father's loss of power, he knew better than to stir up any trouble.  It could be interpreted as a challenge, which could've resulted in him being cast out from the pack. Instead, he waited for his chance at revenge. Since many of the pack members were uncertain and uneasy about the way things were unfolding, he felt it wouldn't take much to push their fears into unbridled anger. A revolt would be the perfect foil that would allow him the opportunity to finally seize what he felt was rightfully his. He knew he had to quietly stoke the coals so that when the fire ignited, he wouldn't be implicated as the starter.

A week had passed after Alpha Jonathan returned with the two vampires. When the older man walked into Wolf's bane Pub, he was unnoticed.  Quietly sitting down in a darkened corner of the room, he listened intensely to the small crowd of regulars who were discussing the new arrivals.

"I don't understand why all these bloodsuckers have to come here." Said Aaron Reamers, a middle age man that worked pack security.

"Well, I don't mind it a bit. Extra eye candy can do us all some good." Said Ruth Ann Rooks, the saucy barmaid.

"Shiiiit!" Rodney Vule roughly drawled out . "Bringing them leeches 'round here ain't nothing but asking for trouble. They're looking to drain all us in our sleep.  You can bet on that one buddy."

"Maybe we can send those damn Omegas after 'em, and save ourselves the trouble. I hope the bloodsuckers end 'em too.  They're stepping 'round here like they own the place." Aaron said.

Rodney snorted in agreement.  

Ruth Ann spoke up. "Ya'll best be careful. Those Omegas were trained by the Luna herself."

"She's no Luna 'cause she's no wolf." Rodney said sternly.  Looking over his shoulder, he was suddenly afraid of being overheard by ranking wolves.

"I think you're exactly right." Elder David spoke up from his darkened corner.

"Who's there?"

When he stepped into the light, the others gulped uneasily.

"At ease." He said, raising an open hands in a gesture of calm. "Why should I reprimand a bunch of honest, hard workers for speaking the truth. You're right about the Luna.  She  was born and raised a human.  She can only understands how to be human."

"But she's the Protector." Ruth Ann cut in.

"Protector of what?" David asked cunningly. "She seems to protects only the Omegas who, by the way, have stopped doing their work.  They're no longer contributing to our society. Not that the lazy bunch ever contributed much to it before. Even with all their training, they'll never be able to defend the pack. And now she's protecting those vampires.  They put our whole pack at risk. Who knows what intentions those night creatures have in mind. They could easily murder us in our sleep tonight and we wouldn't suspect a thing."

Murmurs rose and tempers began to flare as David smiled slightly at the rising unrest he was creating. 

These poor, dumb-ass fools. He thought. It's just too easy. I should run for president.

The Elder knew then that he wouldn't have any problems turning enough pack members towards his cause. But in order to pull off the scheme, he would have to summon more powerful allies outside the pack.

He called on old friends in high positions; Some who had sympathized with his case when he had lost the chance to rule. He also contacted old enemies of the pack, including the Midway pack leader who once had land rights disputes with John Mason senior.

Finding allies wasn't difficult.  The Alpha's didn't like how the Omegas were routinely embarrassing them in combat. And they resented, most of all, the fact that their position of power wasn't as omnipotent as they once thought.  It was assumed, under breath of course, that Omegas were simply servants to their needs.  But if a single Omega could take down a Gamma, then what would prevent them from acting out more lofty ambitions.


For Jonathan, the next two weeks were hell .  As much as he tried to address all the questions and concerns that came his way, the regular pack members, and some ranking wolves, began to cause problems. He knew it was merely a matter of time before the dam would break and new rules would have to be enforced. When the summons he received was delivered by Council Solomon Grey, Jonathan wasn't surprised.

"I will be honest with you Jonathan. Many in the Council have become leery of all the changes your pack has initiated. And the complaints are starting to pile up. Council does not like to interfere but when enough voices whisper discontent, it has to be addressed before the roar of revolt begins to sound." Council Grey said, as he sipped the tea he was given.

Jonathan sat behind the old desk of his father and grandfather. The Alpha's office had been upgraded with an espresso machine and fresh paint but the old historic feel of the room remained, as well as the comforting smell of decades old cherry tobacco smoke. Jonathan remained silent at Council Grey's comments, contemplating the potential backlash from the changes he had made.

"So, what are the charges?" he asked calmly.

"Technically none.  There are no ordinances against training Omegas nor allowing non werewolf members into the pack. You haven't violated any laws. Therefore, the Council cannot intervene. However, problems still lie with the challengers. Elder David Rameeta has pointed out that he has a right to the next Alphaship. I don't like rehashing old history, but he has gathered support from members of your own pack as well as other Alphas to petition his claim." Solomon looked Jonathan in the eye. "The Council wants nothing to do with this.  But if there is an uprising, then we will be forced to put forth proposals and take votes."

Solomon placed his empty cup and saucer on the tea tray.  Leaning forward, he reached into his inner jacket pocket. Pulling out a white envelope addressed to Jonathan, Solomon said, "This is a subpoena for a representative to appear before the Council. You will be asked to explain your reasoning behind training the Omegas, the presence of these vampires, and asked to address Elder Rameeta's claim."

Handing the letter to Jonathan, Solomon stood up to leave.  Pausing his exit, he looked at Jonathan with concern. "Midway Pack has much to gain from this dissension."

Jonathan nodded with little emotion as Solomon turned to leave.

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