Chapter 18

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The next morning, Tracy rode with her three friends to school. She liked being with the guys, but couldn't help thinking about Carla. Despite her knowing about an Omegas allusive nature, their desire to be unseen and unheard, Carla seemed different from this. Whatever they said about her, Tracy knew that she was no Omega.

The Omegas seemed happy with their roles in the pack. Not once neglected, abused, or unappreciated, they never seemed to want anything better for themselves. Happiness, to Tracy, was however an individual or groups of individuals defined it. If they took pride in care taking, house keeping, or gardening, and were happy at doing it, then by all means. In spite of their low positions, the rest of the pack had a responsibility to protect them.

At school, Tracy sighed at the glances. Sentiments of pity the boys threw her way. It had been like that all morning. Everyone knew about Jonathan's mountain retreat orgies. It's what was fueling the sympathetic glances. Unfortunately, all the pity was suffocating. The lack of sleep plus the pain of being cheated on was wearing thin on her patience too. On the bright side, Jonathan was several miles away with his whores.  This made the pain less intense.

If it wasn't for Eli, she would have no problem with Jonathan fucking himself to death. She realized instead to focus on Eli's strengths. Tracy could see him in her mind's eye looking sad.  Then, by some miracle, he would look up and see her in his mind. Jumping up, he barked happily, wagging his tail in delight. Tracy always smiled and waved. She had a connection with Eli.


The math teacher droned on and on. Bored with the class, Tracy rubbed her temples wishing that Carla was there. "Some Protector I am."  She thought . I can't even protect myself from a broken heart."

A number of times Tracy attempted to locate Carla, but she remained aloof. It was really starting to irritate her. At lunch, she noticed that Carla was sitting in the far corner with her hoodie pulled up. If it wasn't for the fact that Tracy was looking for her, she wouldn't have noticed.

"What are you looking at?" Landon asked, breaking Tracy from her thoughts.

"Carla." She replied, still focused on her friend.

"It's best to stay away from her." Reilly said, with a sneer.

"Why? Isn't she your cousin?"

"Not one I'll ever claim." he snorted.

"Besides, she's an Omega." Jack said with obvious disdain.

"So? What's wrong with that?" Tracy asked.

"They're nobodies. Just a bunch of weak losers." Jack replied arrogantly.

"Yeah," Landon agreed quickly.

Tracy watched as Carla's head shot up, the brief look of pain crossing her features.

"Well that's interesting." Tracy thought.

After school, Tracy went back to the pack house and rested. Tired out of her mind, she reasoned that 15 hours of sleep would help sooth the stress from all the bad energy she had received. Arriving at the house, she went directly to bed. Around eight pm she woke up with more chest pains. Familiar to her, she knew he was at the cabin again. The dull ache in her chest was telling. Annoying enough to keep her awake, Tracy hoped that this wouldn't become a nightly habit. By Wednesday morning, she had had enough.

She was there to train. So far, it was only laps around a track. According to Alpha John, it was their way of 'easing' her into the real thing. What that was, remained unclear to Tracy.  "Well, enough of this shit!" she thought. The sooner she could learn to control her powers the sooner she could move on with her life; hopefully a million miles from here. 

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