Chapter 7

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Tracy had just made it to the young girl's side when a huge, brown wolf burst from the trees. Standing there defensively to protect the child, she waited rigidly for the tiger sized animal to approach. Experiencing the oncoming attack in slow motion, Tracy's eyes glazed over before pulling the girl from the creature's path and telling her to run for cover. Grabbing a fallen tree limb she swung it down hard on the wolf's head, causing it to tumble forward into the dirt. Immediately righting itself from the fall, it charged again, this time snatching the branch from her hands and snapping it in two.

Jack and Landon rushed out to help, meeting the raging wolf just as it turned to strike. Kicking the boys hard with its hind legs, the two went airborne for several yards before landing against the base of a tree trunk.  It was a jarring blow that seperated the bowie knife from Jack's hand. Gasping for breath, they both got up just before the wolf pounced again.

Reilly pushed hard off the tree, launching himself forward.  Catching the creature at chest level with all his force he knocked it backwards onto its hunches. Retrieving Jack's knife from the ground, Tracy jumped on the wolf's back, stabbing the sharp blade into its collar. Rearing up in shock the wolf tried to dislodge her but couldn't.  Holding onto its mangy fur, she plunged  the weapon even deeper into the animal's bloody throat. When it dropped down on all fours, she pulled the blade out and hacked violently at the neck of the drooling beast.  Completely decapitated, the head fell loose and dangled from its body as the wolf fell back dead onto Tracy, crushing her leg.

People rushed over to the scene, led by a slightly gray middle aged man. "What just happened here?!" He shouted, his deep authoritative voice demanding attention.

"Rogue attack!." Jack shouted.

The man stiffened. "I see.... But who is she?" Staring down at Tracy as she tried to free her self from the weight of the dead wolf.

"Where's the little girl?" Tracy asked, ignoring the man's inquiry.

"That's was my niece. She's fine." He said, before approaching the dead animal to study its corpse up close.  Struggling to move under the animal's weight, the older man reached down and grabbed the animal's mane,  effortlessly pulling it off her. When Tracy tried to stand, he placed a firm hand on her shoulder. 

"Just relax." he said. "The doctor is coming."

"Thank you, but I'm fine."  She said, standing to her feet. " I don't feel like anything's wrong. But damn! It looks bad."  Bewildered by the lack of pain she was expecting, Tracy studied her twisted ankle.

"It's probably the rush of adrenaline." The older man said, carefully examining her injured leg. "I'm John Mason by the way."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Jack muttered. "Dad, this is my friend from school Tracy Evans. Tracy, meet my dad. "

^John Mason^

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^John Mason^

"Nice to meet you." Wincing in pain, Tracy attempted to correct her twisted ankle with the undeniable sound of cracking bones..

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