Chapter 49

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It had only been a day since the Omega challenge and already Carla had come to loathe her mate's best friend. Landon had been hounding her non stop about Jessie Harper and she was fed up with the constant harassment.

"Why don't YOU go tell HER all about YOUR feelings. I. Do. Not. CARE!" Carla growled in frustration.

"But she might reject me." Landon whined.

Jessie was slowly recovering from her injuries. Although her healing was faster than any human, it was still slow compared to other wolves. She would be in training now if Landon hadn't broken her arm. His wolf was a sore loser and now they were both suffering for it.

Sensing his mate's agitation, Jack came over and threw an arm over Landon's shoulder. "Dude. Pull yourself together and let's go to the gym, or something." Completely distracted, Landon allowed himself to be led away. Before exiting the training grounds, Jack gave a heated glance at Carla.  Smelling her arousal when she caught his eye, he grinned widely and ran back to kiss her thoroughly, before abruptly leaving.

"Jerk!"  she yelled through the link.

Training was going well for the Omegas. Lenny Hanks was always wearing a ridiculous grin that everyone teased him about. Always good natured, he gladly took the ribbing in stride while his mate blew kisses of encouragement from the sidelines.  All the Omegas were working harder than ever. Fueled by the knowledge that they could hold their own in a fight against any of the others, they were anxious to see how far it would take them. 

During the training session, Carla could sense her father's presence. Good at the art of stealth, he had concealed himself long before she saw or smelled his presence. Calling a halt to the training, Carla sent the Omega's on a run to cool down, telling them to be back after lunch. When the field was cleared of all their training gear and weapons, they took off.  Unlike the other wolves, Omegas were used to doing for themselves and always cleaned up their mess without ever being told.

Alone on the field, Carla immediately went over to the weapons rack and picked up a knife. Walking to the middle of one of the training rings with the Bowie, she waited for Jackson to appear. Stepping out from behind the stands, he was holding a Cold Steel OSS.

Without hesitation she charged towards him. Knowing that he expected her to go low, Carla jumped into the air and twisted her body.  Bringing the Bowie knife down in a swiping motion across the top of Jackson's arm, it sliced deep to the bone. Not waiting for him to heal, she thrust her blade viciously into his side. Jackson grabbed her wrist with his uninjured arm and popped her shoulder out of place. Carla swung upwards with her fist, breaking Jackson's nose; his blood spraying her face. Snapping her wrist with a jerk, he fractured several of the delicate bones that earned him a punch to the throat. 

Breaking from each other, Jackson massaged his windpipe and pulled the knife out of his side. Carla popped her dislocated shoulder back in place. Despite the agonizing pain, neither of them cried out. To show weakness this way would give the enemy an advantage. A pack member could cry out to his fellow wolves for help, but such a luxury was not for the renegade. Julius had taught her well.

When they continued, it was Jackson who led the attack. Carla defended herself by striking at his vulnerable spots. Each of her hits, slashes, and swings were bloody and brutal. With her wounds quickly healing, Carla was ready for more. When she went into a defensive mode, Jackson threw his bloody knife down and walked over to the cooler. Pouring two cups of water from a large brown keg, he sat down to take a gulp from one, holding the other cup out for Carla.

They both sat in silence, each waiting for the other to speak.  "I'm sorry about your mother." Jackson finally said.

"Why did you choose her?" Carla asked, feeling that she could finally address some of the questions that had never dared cross her lips.

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