Chapter 43 (Mature Content)

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Jack eagerly entered the room behind his mate. Locking the door, Carla stood over by the bed.  When he approached, they immediately embraced each other with a kiss. Carla always loved the feel of his hair. Running her fingers through the silky waves, she relished in its down-like softness.  Leading a hand over his muscular chest, she forcefully shoved him onto the bed.  Jack smirked nervously at the power move and scooted back towards the pillows. Carla crawled over the white sheets towards him and straddled his hips. When Jack reached up to pull her close, she grabbed his wrists and pinned them next to his head.

"If you move I'll leave." she said.  Her voice was rough with desire. Willingly nodding, Jack allowed her to take complete control.

Thankful that Tiffany hadn't marked her man, Carla leaned forward and bit Jack's bottom lip.  Moving to his neck, she nipped and sucked at the area of her concern. Feeling the erotic tension in his body, she slowly worked her hips into his erection. By now Carla was dripping wet as Jack's breathing hitched at her titillating torture. Moving her hand over his six pack, she was fascinated at the feel of ripped muscles. Wanting to tease him a bit more, she slowly ran her fingers up her torso before cupping her own breasts with a suggestive squeeze. Jack's hands opened and closed on reflex, wanting desperately to touch the soft mounds.

Carla pulled her blouse off and unclasped her bra. The plump brown boobs bounced perfectly upon their release. Tossing the garment aside she commanded Jack to remove his shirt.

 "Not yet." She demanded quietly before he could reach her pouting breasts.

"Just relax." She said confidently.  Jack laid back with a sigh. Caressing  her upper thighs, he let his hands rest on her hips.  Carla pushed them away and stood up on the bed. Unbuckling the belt of her black denim skirt, she slowly shimmied it off revealing the red lace panties that complimented the rich tone of her chocolaty smooth skin.

"Your turn big boy." 'She said sexily "Take it all off." 

Jack anxiously fumbled with the button on his clothes. Curious and almost delirious with desire, he managed to undress himself before laying back. Completely naked as he nervously reclined on the two pillows, even Lucien was impressed with his self control.

"It looks like I'm overdressed." She said coyly, as Jack's lustful gaze dropped to her red panties. "How about you help me with these? Teeth only." she challenged.

"And what will be my reward?" Jack asked roughly.

Carla shivered at his dark and dangerous tone.  Loving it, she stared into his eyes and said, "Anything your little heart desires."

Standing to his feet, he trapped her in his arms and tugged her hair.  Arching Carla's neck, he stared into her eyes. "You're in trouble now."

Biting and nipping at every inch of her flesh, he slowly dropped to his knees in front of her. Carefully grabbing the edge of her panties with his teeth, he pulled them down to her ankles.

Completing his task, Jack began to place kisses up Carla's left calve. Following a line to her knees and inside her thighs, he switched to her right, his tongue trailing up her abdomen to the silky cleft of her boobs.  Stopping to meet her half closed eyes, they flew open when he leaned forward to place an open kiss on the lids. Carla whimpered with pleasure, burying her fingers in his hair. Then he went back down. Gently running the tip of his tongue over the delicate folds of her glistening tight pussy, he explored the slight opening,  just enough to tease the sensitive bud.

"Oh Jack!"  She moaned, Carla's body trembling with pleasure.

Grabbing his hair, she forced him away. Jack pushed back aggressively before sharply slapping her firm round ass. 

Needing relief from her peaking desires, she tightly clenched her thighs and cried out impatiently. "Fuck me, you bitch!"

Jack chuckled darkly. "Such a filthy mouth. I'll have to hose that out later." Carla shivered as Jack smirked at his comment. "You promised me something, My Lady. So, no interrupting my meal."

Cupping Carla's bottom, he forced her back down on the bed. Moving her thighs to cross his shoulders, he continued to use his tongue to push her closer and closer to a climax.  Teasing the tight passage with a tip of his index finger, he tried to enter a another before she lost it.

Pleasurably high, Carla was barely aware of Jack's motions. Moving up along her quivering body, he aligned himself with it. Using her wetness to lubricate the head of his shaft he slowly began to push himself inside.

Decidedly less pleasant than their foreplay, Carla groaned at the sting of his eventual thrust. Tears stung her eyes as Jack continued forward, gradually tearing at the barrier to her throne. 

Tensed with the pain, Carla desperately clenched her muscle around Jack's engorged shaft. "Shh, baby." He cooed softly, smoothing the curls in her hair against her face. "It's over.  You're mine forever." He said softly, before kissing her lips.

Holding himself inside her for a still moment, he allowed Carla to adjust before he continued. It still felt sore but as he pushed gently forward it didn't hurt as much. More relaxed, she slowly began to move her hips to let Jack know it was OK.

Now steady with his pace, Jack adjusted his thrust and momentum. As he began to hit that special spot,  Carla felt the pressure building for another explosion. Suddenly wrapping her leg around his, she flipped their bodies over. Now on top, Carla seductively rolled her hips. Taking Jack deeper, he groaned.

"Fuck! Carla! Oh shit!" He shouted as she moved faster and faster, pushing both of them to their ultimate goal.

Both of them came together at a frenzied pace as Jack shot his load into her womb. "Fuck!" he groaned again as Carla collapsed against his convulsing chest. A layer of sweat between them cooled their bodies.  Laying together they panted uncontrollably, eventually catching their breaths to calm their racing hearts.

Carla lay silently embraced in the comfort of Jack's arms. Tracing light circles on his chest, in the aftermath of their lovemaking, she was satisfied.

Minutes passed when she said, "Can I use your shower?".

"Our shower babe." Jack corrected her. "What's mine is yours and if you think for one second you're sleeping anywhere other than with me you're wrong. I finally have you and I'm not letting go."

Carla placed a kiss on his lips before standing naked and unashamed in front of her mate. The mark on her neck and shoulder was once again restored to its vibrant glory and Jack couldn't be happier. Raising a proud eyebrow he asked. "So, am I invited?"

Carla looked over at his sexy body and shook her head. "Down doggie.  We werewolf girls need a little bit of time to recover."

Picking up her clothes, Carla glanced at Jack over her shoulder.  Nodding towards his growing member she said, "I'll take care of that after you shower."  Throwing him a saucy wink, she shut the bathroom door.

Jack collapsed on the bed. "Damn!! That girl's gonna kill me." he muttered while grinning like a fool. Quickly grabbing his clothes, Jack went to a guest room to shower. Someone had a promise to fulfill and he was holding her to it.


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