Chapter 44 (Mature Content)

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CHAPTER 44 (Smuts Ahead)

Erik opened the large metal door that led to the holding cells. Jonathan went down first followed by Tracy then Erik. Surprised that the underground facility looked like a medieval dungeon with very modern security, Tracy felt that the coldness in the stone walls held no warmth and forgiveness for its occupants. 

The lock clanked open when Jonathan turned the key to Tiffany's cell. Inside, she was chained to a metal table in the middle of the room, her eyes glistening with fear and pure hatred. The bite mark Jack had made was nothing more than an infected red wound. Tiffany's wolf was weak, especially after being bitten by someone other than her mate. Unable to use its power to heal the wounds quickly, dark bruises marred the body of  her once pale complexion.  Her hair hung limp and stringy.

"Where did you get the potion?" Jonathan immediately asked in a deceptively calm voice.

"J-Jack is m-my mate." she stuttered in fear.

"Jack has a mate." Jonathan shot back.  "So, your claim is unfounded."   Picking up a large steel hammer, he threatened.  "I'm only going to ask you once more. Then Erik will take over with this." Brandishing the menacing object.

Tiffany swallowed hard. "I bought it from a woman at the farmer's market.  She claimed it was a love potion."

"Where was this woman's stall?" Jonathan asked.

Tiffany looked genuinely confused. "I don't know." Her eyes widening with fear as she saw Jonathan hand the hammer to Erik. "PLEASE! I'm telling you the truth! I don't know!" She pleaded.

Tracy stepped forward and placed her hand over Tiffany's trembling forehead. Instantly envisioning a young woman in her twenties, Tracy could see that she was dressed in a bright red gypsy skirt with black, high cap sleeves.  Her dark tresses were pulled back into a braid. Tiffany was standing in front of her. Tracy realized that her vantage point was from the vial of magic itself.

From her booth, the strange woman called out to Tiffany.  She told her about the beauty creams and love potions she had for sale. Tiffany scoffed at the woman's claims, but she persisted, saying that it would help her find "true love."  Finally agreeing to a purchase, Tiffany still looked unconvinced of its usefulness. When the woman blew a spell over her, she looked stunned before shutting her eyes and collapsing. Laying Tiffany's limp body on a nearby cot, she closed the flaps of her booth and returned to the vial and spoke:

"Protector. I know that you can see me. I apologize to your spirit sister and her mate for their unfortunate but necessary experience. You should know that the magic of that potion also contained its antidote.  He is no longer susceptible to that type of spell.  I am a... Historian?... of sorts. Actually complicated in meaning, its not important at the moment. However, the desperate hoe you have strapped to the table is the mate of a renegade rogue king. You need to personally drop her off.  Ask Jackson to help you.

I am leaving you this message for several reasons, the most pressing being Ivory White. Keep training your Omegas and free Isiah because he is innocent.  Tell Lucy that Shade says 'hello.'"

The vision ended.

Tracy's eyes blinked as the room slowly came into focus. Light-headed and woozie from the experience, she noticed that Tiffany had passed out in her cell.  Jonathan and Erik stared at her worriedly. When her name was called, Tracy's vision tunneled and everything faded to darkness.


The first thing she was aware of was the smell of fresh, new sheets. Tracy could also detect Jonathan's unique scent. Laying in the soft bed, her eyes were still closed as she tried to piece together what had happened.

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