Chapter 57

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^Blood Royal Coven House^


Author's Note: So this chapter might seem a bit confusing. Sorry. I wanted to give you guys something to anticipate. Don't worry coming chapters will explain everything.

When Solomon Grey arrived at the Pack House he was told by a housekeeper that the Alpha wasn't seeing anyone. Then Jack Mason walked out from a smaller office across from his brother's.

"Councilman Grey." He said, greeting him with a hand shake.

"Is everything ok here?" The councilman asked.

Jack looked pained. "Jonathan's been locked away in his study. My apologies for not attending the meeting but thing have been a bit... out of sorts lately since Tracy left." 

"I'm sure it's alright. I'll go in and talk to him." Councilman Grey said reassuringly.

"Good luck Sir." Jack said tiredly as he walked back to his office.

When Solomon opened the door to the study he was shocked at how unkept everything was. 'The room was a total mess.  Once neat and clean, the office was now in disarray.  Papers were crumpled and scattered about and pieces of broken glass glimmered on the stained wood floor. A foul stench emanated from the wastebasket in the corner where a pile of untouched trays were stacked and filled with food. From an arm chair in the corner, Jonathan's Bloodshot eyes peered out angrily through dark circles. His scruffy beard and dirty, rumpled clothes testified further to a lack of personal hygene. 

"What the bloody hell is this?!" Solomon cried, distressed with the sight of his friend's physical state and surroundings. "My God Jonathan! What the fuck happened here?"

The glaring Alpha buried his face in his hands and sobbed.

"I lot nye eight." He said from a cracked and muffled voice.  It was nothing the older Grey could decipher.


Jonathan scrubbed his face with his hands before tugging hard at his hair. "I lost my mate. I told her >sob< to g-get out >sob< and she left me." No longer caring who was there, he cried like his heart was broken.  

"I don't see what the problem is.  You told her to leave and she did. Maria never listens to my demands.  Consider yourself luck." he grumbled.

Jonathan glared at his guest.

"Never the less, I  saw Tracy two days ago."

Suddenly rushing to confront Solomon, Jonathan clenched his suit jacket lapels and slammed him against the wall.

"Where?! Where is she?!" He roared.  His Alpha tone making even the councilman whimper in fear.  Council members were not usually affected by Alphas but in that moment he had to bow before the pure raw command in front of him. He was shocked by his reaction. Jonathan's power had merged with that of the Protector. It made sense why they were both so affected. Tracy had looked terrible when he saw her, but now was probably not a good time to bring that up.

"The council meeting was two days ago." Solomon strangled out.

Jonathan was floored. So caught up in his own personal problems that he had totally forgotten about something so important that it affected the entire pack. He had failed at one of the most important duty as Alpha, the welfare and wellbeing of his pack. Releasing Solomon's jacket he sat on the edge of his desk. The fury that had spurred his reactions now left him limp and weary.

"Take a bath Jonathan.  You'll feel better. I don't know what happened between you two but Tracy told me to meet her here this evening."

"She's coming here?" Jonathan said, with hope and relief on his face.

"Yes. But you need to take a bath before she arrives."

"Are you saying I stink?"

"Like a dog."


The Tutor style house sat next to a huge picturesque lake. Inside her room, Tracy stared aimlessly through one of the narrow, open windows. It was truly lovely here, she thought.  Vampires apparently loved clean dark houses, and this one was no exception. She couldn't find a speck of dirt anywhere. Gideon had commented that a vampires enhanced vision and immaculate nature tended to appreciate orderliness more than most.

Looking around the bedroom she tried to picture herself living here. Very austere and cold, even the bed sheets were pulled tight enough to bounce a quarter. Nothing was out of place. Much like the Dark Valley Coven house, Blood Royal Coven House resembled a Fine Arts Institute. Paintings from prominent eras graced the walls and sculptures were displayed in every corner. (Author's Note: I can't for the life of me remember if I ever said what the name of Gideon's coven was). Tracy preferred the warmth of her own home, and thought of the cozy stone cottage that she and Jonathan shared together. Even though her heart ached for the way things were, the hurt had begun to lessen. 

When Gideon walked into her room he looked handsome.  Dressed casually in black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, the outfit emphasized the contours of his lean muscular frame. The clothes made him look hip and modern.

"Wow. I didn't know you could dress casually."

"I thought I might change things up a bit." He said with a shrug before wrapping his arms around her.

"You seem so sad."

Tracy shrugged under his comforting gesture. "Nervous I guess."

"This involves me as well.  You won't be alone. I've waited too long for my Eternal One and your Jonathan won't stop from being with you until the end."

Tracy sighed and smiled. "I guess we had better tell him."


Jonathan scrubbed aggressively at the layers of dirt and grime on his skin. The turmoil in his mind clashed with the relief he felt, knowing that his mate was coming home. Before Tracy, everything he did was about the good of the pack. Nothing came before that. Now, he was torn.

Stepping out from the shower, Jonathan dried off and shaved. Never again did he want to be without his mate. But it felt impossible to pull away from the depression he felt since she left.  Sighing heavily over his feelings, he knew he needed to talk to Solomon Grey about the missed meeting.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Jack was sitting on his bed. "Glad to see that you're still alive."

"Glad to be alive.  Now can you please leave?"

" We have a big problem."

"Can it wait?" Jonathan asked, as he began putting on his clothes.

"No! In fact, it looks like she's going into labor at any second."

"Say what!"

"Congratulations!  You're about to be a father..."


Dun dun duuuuunnnnnn....

Okay. So the next 10 or so chapters will be telling the story of what happened so you'll see a time designation for how long ago everything happened until this point. Let me know if anyone is confused and I'll try to explain it better. 

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