Chapter 42

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Jack was at a loss about what had happened. He remembered being stunned at how beautifully Carla sang. Her rich voice had caressed and teased his senses. He couldn't help feeling himself seduced by her perfection. So enraptured by her performance that he didn't notice the drink placed in his hand. He had taken a swig not really thinking about it. After that, his mind went blank. Gripping his sun streaked hair in frustration, Jack tried forcing his memory to respond. Instead, he faced a wall of emptiness. His wolf was as clueless as he was.

Seated at a far table near the windows of the dining hall, Jack waited nervously with his head buried in his hands,  Carla  had sent a link to the pack that she and Tracy would be coming down.  Across from him he heard  the bench creak. Expecting Carla and Tracy, he looked up eagerly.  It was Reilly and Landon who had taken a seat. Regarding Jack with expressions of disgust and disappointment they glared at him mutinously. When Erik walked in and sat down, Jonathan approached the table with dominant swagger.

"Would anyone care to tell me what the hell happened last night?" 

"I got the audiovisuals from the security cameras." Erik said, uncomfortably clearing his throat.

"The girls will be down in a few minutes.  Let's go and view this now." Jonathan said.

Next to the alpha's office was a viewing room with chairs and a table.  Everyone took a seat around it as Erik put the disk in the player.

The flat screen monitor revealed camera footage of all the activity around the bar.  Initially it showed Jack, Reilly, and Landon at the counter. They could hear Carla singing in the background. Jack was admiring her while Reilly and Landon  watched the game.

Tiffany came up to Jack but was ignored. Briskly walking away, she returned a few minutes later with a drink. From the video it appeared to be glowing; the luminescence disbursing as she stirred it. Then she placed the glass in Jack's hand and sat next to him. The whole time he disregarded her presence.

When the song finished, Jack took a sip from the glass. Tiffany jumped up and grabbed his face.  Forcing him to look at her,  they began kissing passionately.  Upset when she saw what was happening, Carla came over and yanked Tiffany away. Out of his mind, Jack snarled at Carla before swiping at her face with his elongated nails, scaring her badly.

Tears of pain formed in Carla's eyes as Jack began to verbally attack her.  "You're pathetic!" He shrieked. "You thought that I would actually want an Omega bitch like you." He continued, laughing cruelly as Tiffany pulled him close to her. "I, Jack Nikoli Mason, reject you as my mate. Burn in hell you dumb bitch and watch as I claim my true mate." Everyone in the bar was stunned as Jack bit into Tiffany's neck to place his mark. 

Feeling violated after seeing the images, Jack could hardly believe his eyes. Realizing what he had done, Jack jumped up and howled in pain. In a hysterical fit, he began to throw chairs across the room. Anguish and rage shot through his entire being. His wolf Lucien whimpered with grief. 

Grabbing his out-of-control brother, Jonathan used his Alpha power to push Jack into a state of unconsciousness. No one said anything as Jonathan and Erik carried Jack to his room.  Laying him on the bed, they locked the door and walked to Jonathan's office.

Reilly growled angrily on his friend's behalf. At first, he and Landon wanted to tear Jack apart, but after seeing what Tiffany had done, they knew it wasn't his fault.

"I'll kill that bitch!" He said.

"No one will touch her." Jonathan demanded. 

"We need to find out what she put in his drink."

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