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THE END (Short Chapter)

Rogue Ranch

The air that day had an unnatural chill when Dameon saw his people shiver with dread. Determined not to show weakness, he ignored the cold and focused on an unwanted visitors as Tiffany pushed closer to her mate's side in fear. 

"Lord Mallory. To what do I owe this unwanted surprise?" He said sarcastically.

Head of the Diamondback Coven, he was a sneaky, cunning snake that was forever lusting for power.  Lord Mallory stood at the skinny, hunched over height of 5'8" and was the ultimate representation of a child's worst nightmare. With his pale skin pulled tight over prominently sharp cheekbones, his face looked like it would tear to shreds as it split off into a horrifying yellow grin.

"King Dameon Wilde." The vampire bowed mockingly, as he spoke with a hiss in his speech. "We're  aware that you've had several visits from the legendary figure known as the Protector."

"We?" Dameon asked, as he took in the appearance of the terrifying stranger. Dressed in Middle Eastern garb he was, at first, unassuming. But then when you caught sight of his eyes, you could see the blank stare of death. His gaze felt as though you had been pulled into a trance, with him in your mind slicing away at the various pieces of your soul. Coldness emanated from his being and fear worked it's icy tentacles up the Rogue King's spine. 

"This is Prince Gairim Manassah."

"Prince Grim." Dameon interrupted, stunned that this person was the dreaded Royal that had been guilty of gruesome and horrifying acts that even his own men reviled.

The prince smiled. "Tell the Protector that this is just the beginning."

In a flash of movement and a spray of warm blood, Dameon looked down to see the still beating heart of his mate in the hands of the monster.

THE END.... 


Book II has not been edited as of yet but it is completed and listed on my profile. It's entitled, "The Doomed Eternity."

I will be adding some extra scenes to my book before publishing it on Amazon. I will let everyone know where it can be found once launched. 

Thanks for reading!

The Wars of Ivory White (Book I: The Protector)Where stories live. Discover now