Chapter 13

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When everyone else had left the hallway, Tracy stared briefly at her guide.  Uncomfortable with the glare of his quiet scrutiny, she fiddled with her hair before looking away.  Suppressing any of his wolf's desires to claim her as his mate, Jonathan's human side refused to accept the idea. To him, every second in her company was like an addictive drug. He couldn't get enough.  

"This way." He said stiffly, walking down the long hall that stretched beyond the staircase. 

The house was nearly empty due to all the weekend training. The upper floors were mainly bedrooms. East wing was reserved for Alpha John and his family.  Beta Jordan also resided there, along with the Alpha's older children Jonathan and Jack, as well as  Beta's sons, Erik and Reilly. It was like a large, private apartment, complete with it's own kitchen and living room. 

The single rooms on this floor were like those of any nice hotel. Each one had a queen size bed, closet, chest of drawers, small table and chairs, and full bathroom. Mates were only allowed to stay on the upper floors until they were expecting a pup. Afterwards, they would either have to move into one of the houses on the grounds or find their own place in town.

The third floor housed many of the Omegas. The others stayed in barracks on the far side of the garden. Next to these quarters was a large dairy barn and chicken coops. The pack, for the most part, was self sufficient; occasionally going into town to restock their supplies.  

When Tracy walked ahead of Jonathan to push open two large oak doors, she was shocked to discover a library. Located inconspicuously, the room overflowed with leather bound books and journals.  Neatly organized in carved mahogany bookcases with deep wooden shelves, the collection rose from floor to ceiling, at least 10 feet.  Stretching from end to end on both wall, a fireplace on the right side broke the continuity. Rich Persian carpets covered the glossy walnut floors.  All of this, including the warm leather couches and high loft recliner chairs, screamed comfort in the large open space. 

Tracy loved how it looked. Warm, rich and inviting, it was definitely a contender for her favorite room. At the moment, no one else was there, and Tracy walked around in the space, completely entranced. Jonathan saw the passion and wonderment on her face and couldn't help but be pleased. He loved to read. Smiling when she pulled a book from the shelf, It was a collection of stories by O. Henry, one of his favorites.

"I thought people were joking when they said 'Get a room!' Well, I've just fallen in love with this one." Tracy said.

Jonathan chuckled. To him, she was adorable. For a moment, he wanted to rethink his stand on this whole mating thing, but couldn't. Of course he felt that a mate was just an object of possession, like a pet hamster he would have to take care of it.  It was something you played with for a short while, then set aside for later use. Now, he felt she would be a poison to his blood. Keeping her would be toxic to his  way of life. It would mean giving up his nefarious ways; not being able to flit from one bed to another. for him, the most important thing was to not fall in love. Somehow he knew that attempting to remove her from his life would be deadly.

He refused to give up his heart or his freedom. It was as simple as that. Hardening himself against his desire for Tracy, he needed her as his Luna to gain the Alpha title.

"You are my mate," he said to her coldly.

Tracy looked at him intensely. "What does that mean in werewolf?" She asked curiously.

"It means that you are my soulmate.'"

"You don't sound happy about it." Tracy said cocking her head to the side. Closely studying his features, she briefly considered what it would be like to be a Luna.

"Honestly, I could care less. My plan was to announce a mate this evening. You conveniently showed up. I don't intend to change my ways. I can have any woman I want, anytime I want her. You're mine by right, so get over it."

"I am not anyone's property. Especially not yours." Tracy said firmly, hiding her tormented feelings. "I refused to be used." she said angrily.

Crowding Tracy's body with his arms, he boxed her in against the bookcase and growled. "I own you."

"Really? I don't see 'Property of Douche Bag' written here." Tracy said, her voice heavy with sarcasm. Jonathan's scent was strong, arousing the tickle in her nose. The heat from his muscular frame drew her body closer. Holding firm, she refused to melt into him.

Jonathan dropped his heavy gaze to the rapid pulse beating visible on her pulsing neck. Stroking a single finger over the spot  where his mark would be, he caused her to shiver.

"That can be rectified." he said seductively.

"Try it and I'll muzzle you." She snapped.

Jonathan's green eyes darkened. Lunging forward, he grabbed Tracy by the throat and pulled her forward. Elongating his teeth, Tracy remained calm.

"You shouldn't have done that." she chuckled.  Feeling the powers surge through her veins, her grey eyes glowed a burning silver. "You really shouldn't have."

Grabbing Jonathan's hands, she applied pressure to his thumbs. Bending them backwards, she Freed herself from his grip.  Forcing the right hand of her attacker behind his back, she hit him in the center of his chest with her palm, the force pushing him back several feet. When Jonathan snarled, Tracy realized his wolf was about to come out.

"Eli!" Tracy said softly.

Jonathan's form immediately ceased its attack.

"Eli? Is that you?" Tracy said, gently noticing that Jonathan's eyes were now the color of his wolf's. Nodding, he gazed into Tracy's eyes.

"I know you're mad, but try and calm down. What Jonathan demands from me is not right. If you're supposed to be my mate, I would think you would want me to be happy. Right?"

Motioning his head in agreement, Eli's eyes suddenly filled with sadness.

"Every time Jonathan cheats, I feel pain. I need you to understand that in order for me to accept you both. I'll need much more than what he's willing to give. I'm not expecting love, but I don't want pain. Eli, please don't force this situation. I already accept you, but I can't accept Jonathan until he promises to not hurt me." 

Whimpering, Eli nodded his head in agreement before retreating. Jonathan reemerged, regaining control of his body. "Then you'll be waiting until hell freezes over." He said coldly, then walked away.


Anyone else hating Jonathan right now?

What do you think of Eli?

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