Chapter 28

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Jack's knees bounced nervously as he vigilantly sat by his sleeping mate. The smell of vanilla and caramel was driving his wolf wild. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and hold her close.  After forcibly marking her yesterday, Jack figured that waking up next to Carla might lead her to think the worst. A marking was usually an accepted act, with torrent love making to follow, but his wolf, Lucien, simply jumped the gun. The consequence of his enthusiasm causing her to pass out. All he could do now was wait until she woke up.

Jack studied the beauty of her face, wishing that he had gone with his instincts when he first saw her. He remembered the black car pulling up in the circle drive; his wolf stirring curiously over the newcomer. When the back door of the black sedan opened, a short girl in a hoodie stepped out. It was something about her stiff form that drew him in.  But she refused to look up. He wondered if this was it. Was this his mate? Curious, he took deep breaths to catch her scent, only burning pepper filled his lungs.

Nope!  Not my mate.  He remembered thinking. Then Jack ran off before having to explain why his eyes were watering so profusely.  He didn't see much of her after that. His friend Reilly didn't mention her again. When he had heard that she received the rank of Omega, Jack ignored Carla altogether. She hid away often. So, whatever the reason for her aloofness, he knew he couldn't allow his wolf to take over.

A low moan jolted Jack's libido. Her sound sending a bolt of lust below his belt.  Expecting her eyes to open, he quickly grabbed the glass of water that was on the nightstand. When Carla moaned again, Jack clenched at the urge to re-mark her, his desire to fuck his mate, almost painful. 

Gaining consciousness, Carla winced at the stiffness in her neck. Though her eyes were closed, she could still tell it was daytime. Trying to piece together what had happened, her nose filled with the scent of coffee, cedar, and chocolate, when suddenly everything came flooding back.

Jack had marked her. Stress relieving tears flowed down her cheek when she reasoned that the lake waters must have washed away her pepper smell.  Realizing that he hadn't rejected her, Carla's eyes flew open to meet the perfect combination of brown and green.

"Here.  Drink this." Jack said, his hazel eyes filled with concern. Offering her the water, he was grasping the glass almost to its breaking point. 

Carla had sat up against the headboard.  Taking the water she sipped at it before asking Jack, "Why?"

"Why what, my love?" He said tenderly.

"Why didn't you just reject me? You could've had someone more worthy of your position."

"What position? I'm the second son of an Alpha. The spot of Beta was already filled, not that I wanted to be either. I'm just an ordinary  pack member with the slight rank of a Delta adviser.  I have no special skills as a tracker or trainer that's needed to be a Gamma. I'm simply a spare Alpha that will never have a leadership role, unless I challenge for another pack."

Jack took a seat next to her on the bed., "Even if I was Alpha I would still want to mark you as my mate.  I'm just sorry that Lucien jumped the gun. Marking you without permission was wrong and I apologize for that.  But I'm not sorry for claiming you." He said, looking at the large bite mark that now revealed a red silhouette of a wolf howling to a black moon with a black treeline in the background.

He smiled, knowing the mark would stay with them forever. 

"Besides, I would never claim one that wasn't my true mate."

"So, it was either me or die alone." Carla said with a slight snort.

"I'm just glad I have you." he paused before asking, "Why didn't you tell me? I get that you were scared but why not take a chance?"

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