Chapter 45 (Mature Content)

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CHAPTER 45 (Smuts Ahead)

The next morning Carla sat with Tracy in the dining hall. "You okay?" She asked as they waited to meet with the Omegas.

Tracy smiled dreamily. "Remind me to piss him off more often."

At first confused by the comment, Carla rolled her eyes when she got it. "Something tells me you won't be able to stop." She said with a smirk. "Speaking of which, the Omegas fight tomorrow. Did you tell Alpha man your plans to go with 'you know who' to 'you know where'?"

Tracy blushed. "Umm... no?"

"Well, 'heee' did point out how bad the whole idea was; particularly since you're now mated.  Until you learn how to block him out your mind, he'll always have a way of tracking you, no matter where you're at. If you go, he'll probably hunt you down. 

"Gideon has a private jet, we'll be there and back before Jonathan can book a flight."

Carla stared at Tracy in disbelief. "If vampires have jets, what do you think werewolves have?"

"Um, fur?" Tracy said quickly, feeling embarrassed for not thinking that Jonathan could have the same access too.

"Now you're deliberately being stupid." Carla said bluntly. Deciding that she had enough of her friend's nonsense, she suggested. "If you don't tell him, then I will.  Because when he finds out you're missing, or worse, that you're with a 'rival vampire', he'll flip. Last thing we need running rampant is a crazed and newly mated Alpha male who doesn't have his  mate around to calm him."

"You're right." Tracy said, ashamed for not thinking of all the consequences, and for focusing on her own selfish desires. She had given no thought to what would happen to everyone else. Clearly this Protector gig needed some work.

"I'm sorry. I'll tell him this afternoon."


To be fair, after training Tracy  went to Jonathan's office to let him know.  But after a heavy make out session and two rounds of love making, it kind of slipped her mind. 

The next morning, with a half dopey smile on her face, Tracy sat sleepily at the dining hall table eating breakfast.  Across the room, Jonathan was chatting with a few of the elders.  Carla sat with her observing the 'lovey dovey' expressions being exchanged. 

"Either he took the news really well or you haven't told him yet." She said.

"Hmm?" Tracy said, casting one last glance at Jonathan. "Oh, no. I haven't told him."

"What?!" Carla exclaimed. "What have you been doing all this time... Wait! No! Don't tell me!"

"Umhmmm... my man is yummy."

"Well, I'm officially grossed out." Carla said, rolling her eyes. "But seriously. We need to tell him."

"Tell me what?" Jack asked, appearing out of no where.

"Who said we were talking about you?"

"You're MY girl. You better not be talking about having private conversations about other men." he growled, as he sat down next to Carla.

"Excuse me?" Carla said sternly. "You better check yourself."

Jack leaned over and kissed her. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer.  Kissing him dominantly, she shoved him away.

"I didn't say you could kiss me." Carla said. "That was two strikes. One more and I'm gonna beat yo cracker jack ass."

"Hmm... sounds kinky. I'll try anything once." Jack's eyes were dark with lust as he erotically licked his lips. Carla wasn't much better.  The thought of him being submissively hog tied in front of her was enticing. At 15 she recalled beating her father's wolf in mock combat.  Remembering the powerful feeling of control at that moment, she was curious if the experience could ever happen again.

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