Chapter 36

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"There's my future wife!" A loud voice boomed enthusiastically across the clearing of the training grounds.

"UGH! Why?!" Carla groaned loudly.  Annoyed once again as Firelight came hovering towards them in delight.

"Why do you love me so much?" The little Sprite sang out. ".....because I'm sexy and you know it."

"Nope. I'm done." Carla said, walking away as her adoring admirer fluttered after her.

"Come on baby.  Don't be like that! You're the one who's cheating on me."

Tracy giggled at the scene. Predictably, Jack came swooping in from wherever he was to chase the miniature suitor away. Tracy wondered with a smile how Jack and Carla would ever function without Firelight's constant meddling.

When Gideon came over to where she stood, Tracy had already began directing the Omegas in one last practice drill before dinner.

"Everything is set." The vampire said. "I'll have my private plane take us to where my nephew will be found. Lady Anna Cloud heads the Dark Valley Coven there. You were not formally introduced to her because of the excitement following your demonstration, but she was one of the ladies with me when I first arrived here." Hesitating slightly, he continued. "I would strongly suggest that you tell your mate where we are going. As an Alpha, he could ban me from entering pack grounds. Then, I cannot chance coming here without risking the start of another war. Nor can I fail in my task of training you.  If I do fail, the Royals will come up with a suitable punishment I would rather avoid."

Tracy sighed.  "But I have to do this with no distractions. Ever since your unexpected proposal, Jonathan can't be in the same room with you without Eli wanting to take over and rip you to shreds. If I tell Jonathan where we're going,  he will either forbid it, which won't stop my decision, or insist upon coming. The two of you together in the confines of a tiny plane is just not a good idea. I know I have super healing powers but would seriously prefer not  testing them in a plane crash."

Gideon chuckled. "I've survived two myself. The last one was a military craft I piloted in the great war.  It was shot down in flames. Luckily we crashed over enemy lines where a scouting party came to check the wreckage for surviving prisoners."

"How was crashing over enemy lines a good thing?"

"My co-pilot and I needed blood in order to recover from our injuries. Better for two vampires to leech the enemy than go sucking on one of our own."

"Un huh. Well, three times for you might be the charm that I don't want to be a part of.  I hate the drop of a roller coaster, so you know I'll probably die from a plunging plane. Freaking out with fear and nausea while ya'll are fighting ain't my cup of tea." Tracy said sarcastically, as she watched the Omegas finish their practice.  "Alright everybody, that's it for today. Its time for dinner."


Roger had always been a good farmer. Using the skills he had acquired over the years, he was able to supply the Omegas with all their necessary herbs, as well as wolfsbane that was used in their weaponry. From reading the ancient texts of Queen Ivory's wicked rule, he knew that she had put a curse on much of the fertile soil. Nothing could grow abundantly near any pack or coven's ground. So the herbs that were used for healing and certain enchanted potions were in short supply. To win a war of such magnitude they would need the help from all the supernaturals; at least the ones that had not joined the evil witch's alliance. 

Roger hoped that nothing would come of this, but the uneasiness in his gut had refused to lessen. If Ivory White still lived, or had found a way to pass on her powers, then it was imperative that supplies be gathered and stored. The White War had lasted for a decade, and he was nowhere near ready for another conflict of that magnitude. He could only hope that his granddaughter was preparing well for whatever the inevitable would bring.

Roger was cleaning the carburetor on his tractor when Aisling came flying in to request his presence. A temporal Sprite, she had the gift of mind manipulation,  a useful art in case someone accidentally caught  glimpse of  their kind. As an official messenger for the queen, she had brought summons that her majesty wished to see him on urgent business.  Somewhat relieved by this request, Roger realized that the help he would need could only be granted by the Sprite queen. He needed her permission to seek out the sacred sights for his herbs and plants.


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Roger immediately called Laura to inform her.

" I need to leave right now. The Sprite Queen has summoned me  to come see her." He said to his daughter-in-law.

"Oh that's fine Roger. Jordan is with me."

"Alright. He should stay there, or you should go with him until I get back. We don't know who broke in the house, and that tracker the Alpha sent couldn't pick up any scent or trail. Whoever did  this was definitely well trained. And that makes me nervous."

"Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine. When will you get back?"

"Three days at the most. The garden will be fine. I'll get Firelight to come and water it while I'm gone."

"I thought he just controlled light?" Laura said, well aware of the little creatures enthusiasm for mischief.

"He's a light and fire Sprite.  But as a royal he can control all their gifts to some degree. For him, a simple watering task won't be a problem. I have to leave now. Talk to you later."

"Alright, be safe. I'll let Tracy know."

Roger grabbed a large green sack that he had already packed for emergencies. Going to his truck, he opened the door to let the small Sprite enter first. There were portals that lead to their realm that only they could find. Born Hunters of Sprites and Fairies could sense where the portals were, but being in contact with a Sprite helped the Born Hunters envision the hidden entrances easier, and all the booby traps that lie in wait.

"Which way?" Roger asked politely.

Aisling fluttered to Roger's right shoulder, then she  laid a gentle hand upon the man's coarse cheek. Immediately he envisioned a large Victorian style plantation house. Abandoned many years ago, the window frames had rotted out with broken panes of glass scattered about. Thick vines grew up along the chipped and faded wooden facade towards the partially caved in roof. Long grasses and sharp briers surrounded the overgrown hedges and dilapidated old porch. Looking to his left beyond the house he could see an ancient water tower about a mile away.  It read Town of FARMVEGAS. Plugging the name into his GPS, Roger started the vehicle and drove off.


This chapter was split so if you want to continue reading the unedited version. Go to my profile and select "The Protector" and start reading Chapter 29 (about halfway down).

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